Manipulation of Reproduction in Animals
One of the natural laws of life is to be many from one which is possible through reproduction. In animals sexual reproduction occurs through fertilization of female gametes (ova) by male gametes (sperms) followed by fusion of two nuclei coming from two gametes. Thus sexual reproduction maintains the genetic traits of organisms. But offsprings develop and born in natural way. To meet the demand of animal products due to gradual increasing population there is need of increase in number of animals too which is possible biotechnologically because natural process of increase in number is slow.

In nature female mammals produce only one egg in a month except pigs. Secondly, ruminant females can have only one offspring in a year. Therefore, biotechnology can help to meet increasing demand and need of quality products of animals. In this regard principles of artificial breeding system has been discussed that may be useful further in the area of animal biotechnology.