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General Zoology / Anatomy of Vertebrate Animals
Anatomy of Vertebrate Animals
- Organisation of the Vertebrata Skeleton
- The Distinctive Characters of the Vertebrata
- The Development of the Vertebrata
- The Foetal Appendages of the Vertebrata
- The Vertebrate Endoskeleton
- The Spinal System
- The Cranial System
- The General Modifications of the Vertebrate Skull
- The Osseous Brain-case
- The Osseous Facial Apparatus
- The Appendicular Endoskeleton
- The Position of the Limbs
- The Pectoral and Pelvic Arches
- The Limbs of Fishes
- The Vertebrate Exoskeleton
- The Muscles and the Viscera
- The Muscular System of the Trunk and Head
- The Muscular System of the Limbs
- Extrinsic muscles attached to the pectoral and pelvic arches, on the dorsal aspect
- Extrinsic muscles attached to the humerus or femur, on the dorsal aspect
- Intrinsic muscles proceeding from the pectoral or pelvic arches to the humerus or femur, on the dorsal aspectMuscles of the Antebrachium and Crus
- The Muscles of the Digits
- Electrical Organs
- The Nervous System: the Encephalon
- The Modifications of the Brain
- The Myelon
- The Cerebral Nerves
- The Sympathetic
- The Sensory Organs
- The Muscles of the Ear
- The Alimentary Canal
- The Liver
- The Circulatory Organs
- Modifications of the Heart
- The Blood Corpuscles
- The Lymphatic System
- The Respiratory Organs
- The Larynx, and the Syrinx
- The Mechanism of Respiration
- The Renal Organs
- The Reproductive Organs
- The Classification and the Osteology of the Reptilia
- The Chelonia
- The Plesiosauria
- The Lacertilia
- The Ascalabota
- The Rhynchocephala
- The Homoeosauria
- The Protorosauria
- The Dolichosauria
- The Mosasauria
- The Amphisboenoida
- The Chamaeleonida
- The Ophidia
- The Ichthtosauria
- The Crocodilia
- The Dicynodontia
- The Ornithoscelida
- The Pterosauria
- The Classification and Organization of the Mammalia
- The Ornithodelphia
- The Didelphia
- The Monodelphia
- The Edentata, or Bruta
- The Entomophaga
- The Non-Dediduate Mammalia
- The Artiodactyla
- The Ruminantia
- The Toxodontia
- The Sirenia
- The Cetacea
- The Deciduate Mammalia
- The Zonaria
- The Proboscidea
- The Hyracoidea
- The Rodentia
- The Insectivora
- The Cheiroptera
- The Primates
- The Lemuridae
- The Simiadae
- The Arciopithecini
- The Platyrrhini
- The Catarrhini
- The Cynomorpha
- The Anthropomorpha
- The Anthropidae