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Eurybacteria is a taxon created by Cavalier-Smith, which includes several groups of Gram-negative bacteria. Their Endospores are characterized by producing and presenting external flagella or mobility by bacterial displacement. Specifically, it includes:
⇒ Selenobacteria. For example, Sporomusa
  ⇒ Includes Heliobacteriales, for example, Heliobacterium
⇒ Fusobacteria. For example, Leptotrichia and Fusobacterium
⇒ Togobacteria (=Thermotogales). For example, Thermotoga.

In the standard classification, selenobacteria are usually included in the phylum firmicutes, whereas fusobacteria and togobacteria are classified as their own groups. The following graph shows Cavalier-Smith's version of the tree of life, indicating the status of eurybacteria.











 [H] [I] 




 [K] Neomura  




Legend: [A] Gram-negative with a peptidoglycan cell wall like Chlorosomee. [B] oxygenic Photosynthesis, Omp85 and four new catalases. [C] glycobacterial revolution: outer membrane with insertion of lipopolysaccharides, hopanoids, diaminopimelic acid, ToIC and TonB. [D] phycobilin chromophores. [E] Flagella. [F] Four sections: an amino acid in HSP60 and FtsZ and a domain in RNA polymerases β and σ. [G] Endospores. [H] Gram-Positive Bacteria: hypertrophy of the wall peptidoglycan, sortasa enzyme and a loss of the outer membrane. [I] glycerol 1-P dehydrogenase [J] proteasome and phosphatidylinositol. [K] Neomura revolution: Replacement of peptidoglycan by glycoproteins and lipoproteins. [L] reverse DNA gyrase and ether lipid isoprenoids. [M] Phagocytosis.

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