Alkaloids are classified according to the amino acid that provides both the nitrogen atom and the fundamental portion of the alkaloid skeleton, and these are discussed in turn.
In botany, a herbarium is a collection of preserved plant specimens. These specimens may be whole plants or plant parts: these will usually be in a dried form, mounted on a sheet, but depending upon the material may also be kept in alcohol or other preser
Microorganisms isolated from different sources (soil, water and air) or genetic manipulation are cultured on growth media.
Ameboid movement is a form of movement especially characteristic of amebas and other unicellular forms; it is also found in many wandering cells of metazoans, such as white blood cells, embryonic mesenchyme, and numerous other mobile cells that move throu
Atoms of certain metals will absorb and emit radiation of specific wavelengths when heated in a flame, in direct proportion to the number of atoms present.
Microalgae and macroalgae have been utilized by man for hundreds of years as food, fodder, remedies, and fertilizers. Ancient records show that people collected macroalgae for food as long as 500 B.C. in China and one thousand of years later in Europe.
The area of developmental genetics has also received major attention of geneticists in recent years to answer questions like the following. What are the relative roles of nucleus and cytoplasm in differentiation?
To protect food quality and safety, antioxidants are often added to processed foods. These antioxidants can be synthetically derived compounds, such as butylated hydroxytoluene and ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid.
Germplasm theory of Weismann was a very significant advancement in our understanding of heredity, since this was for the first time that a distinction between hereditary and environmental variations could be made on a sound basis.
A biome is a major biotic unit bearing a characteristic and easily recognized array of plant life. Botanists long ago recognized that the terrestrial environment of the earth could be divided into large units having a distinctive vegetation, such as fores
Protiens are polymers of amino acids joined by peptide bonds (proteins are therefore also known as polypeptides). The number and order of the amino acids contained in a particular protein are prescribed by the DNA sequence of that protein?s gene.
Process by which an early metazoan embryo becomes a gastrula, acquiring first two and then three layers of cells.
This organism is widespread in the environment, but rare in the flora of healthy individuals. Its carriage increases with hospitalization.
Most insects? tough exoskeletons protect their bodies from predators and from drying out. however, some insects?including young insects, such as caterpillars - have soft bodies. they benefit by adding an extra layer of protective armor.
Biotechnology can be seen as an imprecise term since the harnessing of any biological process could justifiably be called biotechnology.
Plants appeared on land about 425 million years ago and the evolutionary history of the plant kingdom reflects increasing adaptation to the terrestrial environment. Plants have organs and organ systems.
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