Edible Plant Species

Cladothrix (Tidestromia) lanuginosa Nutt. Amaranthaceae.
California and Mexico.
According to Schott, the Mexicans use a decoction of the plant as a tea.

Clausena excavata Burm. f. Rutaceae. WHAMPLE.
East India and Malay Archipelago.
This shrub of China and the Moluccas is cultivated in the West Indies. The fruit has a good deal the taste of the grape, accompanied with a peculiar flavor, being very grateful to the palate. The fruit is borne in clusters, resembling, when ripe, a diminutive lemon, about the size of an acom. It contains three large seeds which nearly fill the interior. The scanty pulp has an aniseseed flavor. Williams says in China it is pleasantly acid and held in esteem, as it also is in the Indian archipelago. About two bushels are produced on a tree.

Clavija sp. Myrsineae (Theophrastaceae).
A genus of South American shrubs or small trees.
The fruits are fleshy and contain numerous seeds embedded in a pulp which is said to be eatable. They vary in size, but are seldom larger than a pigeon's egg. Claydonia rangiferina (Linn.) Web. Lichenes. REINDEER MOSS. Northern regions. Reindeer moss is sometimes eaten by the people of Norway and is crisp and agreeable. Reindeer moss, says Kalm, grows plentifully in the woods around Quebec. M. Gaulthier and several other gentlemen told him that the French, on their long voyages through the woods, in pursuit of their fur trade with the Indians, sometimes boil this moss and drink the decoction for want of better food when their provisions are exhausted.

Claytonia caroliniana Michx. Portulaceae.
Eastern United States.
This plant has edible bulbs much prized by Indians.

C. exigua Torr. & Gray.
The succulent leaves are in popular use as a potherb in California.

C. megarrhiza Parry.
Western North America.
This plant has a long, fleshy taproot but it is confined to the summits of the Rocky Mountains and is seldom available.

C. perfoliata Donn. CUBAN SPINACH.
North America.
This species, according to Robinson,10 is cultivated in France as a salad plant. The foliage is used in England, according to Loudon, as a spinach. De Candolle says it is occasionally cultivated there. C. perfoliata of Cuba is an annual employed as a spinach in France in place of purslane. It was first described in 1794 but in 1829 was not named by Noisette for French gardens; in 1855 it was said by De Candolle to be occasionally cultivated as a vegetable in England. It is now included by Vilmorin among French vegetables.

C. sibirica Linn. SIBERIAN PURSLANE.
Northern Asia and northwestern North America.
This species is eaten both raw and cooked by the Indians of Alaska.

C. tuberosa Pall.
Kamchatka and eastern Siberia.
The tubers are edible.

C. virginica Linn. SPRING BEAUTY.
Eastern United States.
This species has edible bulbs, much prized by the Indians.

Clematis flammula Linn. Ranunculaceae. VIRGIN'S BOWER.
Mediterranean countries.
The young shoots, when boiled, may be eaten.

Cleome chelidonii Linn. Capparideae. SPIDER-FLOWER.
East Indies.
The seeds are used by the natives as a mustard in their curries, on account of their pungency.

C. felina Linn. f.
East Indies.
In India, the flowers are used to flavor salads.

C. heptaphylla Linn.
American tropics.
The leaves are eaten.

C. viscosa Linn.
Old World tropics.
This plant has an acrid taste, something like mustard, and is eaten by the natives among other herbs as a salad. The seeds, being pungent, are used in curries as a mustard. Its seeds are eaten as a condiment like mustard. The seeds are used in curries.

Clerodendron serratum Spreng. Verbenaceae.
Tropical India and Burma.
Its flowers and leaves are eaten.

Clethra tinifolia Sw. Ericaceae (Clethraceae). SOAP-WOOD. SWEET PEPPER. WILD PEAR.
Tropical America, Jamaica and southern Brazil.
In Jamaica the trees bear a green, roundish berry of which the pulp is sweet, white, mealy and includes a hard, brownish-black stone. These berries are gathered and eaten as a pleasant dessert.

Cleyera theoides Choisy. Ternstroemiaceae (Theaceae).
West Indies.
Henfrey says the leaves of this plant furnish a tea in Panama.

Clidemia sp.? Melastomaceae. INDIAN CURRANT.
Tropical America.
A genus of shrubs the berry of which is fleshy and edible.

C. dependens D. Don.
This shrub furnishes a gooseberry-like fruit of little value.

Cliffortia ilicifolia Linn. Rosaceae. EVERGREEN OAK.
South Africa.
The leaves have been used in Africa as a tea substitute.6

Clinogyne (Marantochloa) dichotoma Salisb. Scitamineae (Marantaceae). MARANTA
East Indies and Malays.
The maranta is cultivated in the East Indies for arrowroot.

Clitoria tematea Linn. Leguminosae. BUTTERFLY PEA.
Mountains of Madagascar and Mauritius.
In the Philippines, the pods are sometimes eaten. In Amboina, the flowers are used to tinge boiled rice a cerulean color.

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