Edible Plant Species

Dracaena draco Linn. Liliaceae (Agavaceae). DRAGON-TREE.
Canary Islands.
The dragon tree furnished dragons-blood once considerably exported from the Canaries. At Porto Santo, one of the Madeira Islands, Cada Mosto in 1454 found the tree yielding "a kind of fruit, like to our cherries but yellow, which grows ripe in March and is of a most exquisite taste."

Dracontium polyphyllum Linn. Aroideae (Araceae).
South America.
The roots serve as food to the natives of the Pacific isles.5

Dracontomelon sylvestre Blume. Anacardiaceae.
This species is planted at Rewa, Fiji Islands. Pickering, in Races of Man, mentions the fruit under the name canarium and says it is sour and edible.

Dregea volubilis Benth. Asclepiadaceae.
East Indies.
"I have been informed," says Ainslie, "that the leaves are amongst those which are occasionally eaten as greens by the natives of lower India but I am doubtful of this, considering the general character of the genus."

Drimys aromatica F. Muell. Magnoliaceae (Winteraceae). PEPPER TREE.
The ripe fruit is black, Hooker says, and the whole plant is highly aromatic and pungent, hence its seeds and berries are sometimes used as pepper.

South America.
The bark of the variety montana is used in Brazil as a seasoning.

Drosera rotundifolia Linn. Droseraceae. LUSTWORT. SUNDEW.
Northern regions.
The round-leaved sundew is said by Figuer to be acrid and caustic, and in Italy a liquor called rossoli is distilled from its juices. It curdles milk.

Dryas octopetala Linn. Rosaceae. MOUNTAIN AVENS.
Northern temperate and arctic regions.
In Iceland, the leaves of this plant are used as a substitute for tea.

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