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Edible Plant Species

Gomortega nitida (Gomortegaceae) Ruiz & Pav.
This is a large tree of Chile called queule or keule.
The fruit is the size of a small peach; the eatable part is yellow, not very juicy, but is of a most excellent and grateful taste.

Gomphia jabotapita Sw. Ochnaceae. BUTTON TREE.
Tropical America.
Piso says the carpels are astringent and are not only eaten raw, but that an oil is expressed from them, which is used in salads.

G. parviflora DC. BUTTON TREE.
The oil expressed from the fruit is used for salads.

Goniothalamus walkeri Hook. f. & Thorns. Anonaceae.
The roots are very fragrant and are said to contain camphor. They are chewed by the Singhalese.

Gonolobus hispidus Hook. & Am. Asclepiadeae. ANGLE-POD.
South America.
The pod is described by Tweedie as being very large, resembling a toad, and is eaten by the natives.

Gossypium herbaceum Linn. Malvaceae. COTTON.
Tropical Asia.
During the War of the Rebellion, cotton seed came into some use as a substitute for coffee, the seed having been parched and ground. The oil expressed from the seed makes a fine salad oil and is also used for cooking and as a butter substitute.

Gouania domingensis Linn. Rhamneae. CHAW-STICK.
West Indies.
The stems are used for flavoring cooling beverages.

Gourliea chilensis Clos. Leguminosae. CHANAL. CHANAR.
Tropical South America.
This plant is called chanar or chanal in Chile and Buenos Aires. According to Tweedie, the pulp of the fruit is used in flavoring sweet wines.

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