Edible Plant Species

Hydnora africana Thunb. Cytinaceae (Hydnoraceae). JACKAL'S KOST.
South Africa.
This plant is found growing on the roots of Euphorbia. It consists of a tubular flower from four to six inches long and may be compared to the socket of a candlestick but three-lobed. The outside is of dull brown and inside of a rosy-red color It possesses an offensive smell like putrid meat. It is, however, said to be eaten by the Hottentots.

Hydrangea thurnbergii Siebold. Saxifrageae (Hydrangaceae). TEA-OF-HEAVEN.
The natives use the dried leaves as a substitute for tea. This tea is called ama-tsja, tea-of-heaven.

Hydrophyllum appendiculatum Michx. Hydrophyllaceae. HAIRY WATERLEAF. WOOLEN BREECHES.
Eastern North America.
Barton says, in Kentucky, the young shoots are eaten in the spring as a salad and are highly prized by all who eat them.

H. canadense Linn.
North America.
Barton says the roots of this species were eaten by the Indians in times of scarcity.

North America.
This plant is called in the western states, according to Serra, Indian salad or Shawnee salad, because eaten as such by the Indians, when tender. Some of the first settlers ate the plant.

Hygrophila spinosa T. Anders. Acanthaceae.
East India and Malay.
The leaves are used as a potherb.

Hymenaea courbaril Linn. Leguminosae.
A colossal tree of tropical and southern subtropical South America.
The pods contain three or four seeds, inclosed in a whitish substance, as sweet as honey, which the Indians eat with great avidity, though, says Lunan, it is apt to purge when first gathered. Brown, in British Guiana, says this pulp tastes not unlike a dry cake, being sweet and melting in the mouth. It is called algarroba in Panama, jatal in Brazil and simiri in Guiana.

Hyoseris lucida Linn. Compositae. SWINE'S SUCCORY.
Wilkinson says this plant is the hypocheris of Pliny and is esculent.

Hypelate paniculata Cambess. Sapindaceae.
West Indies.
The fruit is the size of a plum and is edible after roasting.

Hyphaene thebaica Mart. Palmae. GINGERBREAD TREE.
African tropics.
The fruits which are produced in long clusters, each containing between one and two hundred, are beautifully polished, of a rich, yellowish-brown color and are of irregular form. In Upper Egypt, they form part of the food of the poorer classes of inhabitants, the part eaten being the fibrous, mealy husk, which tastes almost exactly like gingerbread, but its dry, husky nature renders it unpalatable.

Hypochoeris apargioides Hook. & Am. Compositae.
The root of this perennial herb is used for culinary purposes like that of scorzonera.

H. brasiliensis Griseb.
Southern Brazil.
This smooth, perennial herb has the aspect of a sowthistle. It is sometimes used like endive as a salad.

H. maculatea Linn.
Europe and northern Asia.
The leaves may be used as a salad.

H. radicata Linn. SPOTTED CAT'S EAR.
Europe and north Africa.
This weed of Britain, says Johnson, has been cultivated in gardens but has fallen into disuse. The wild plant may be boiled as a potherb.

H. scorzonerae F. Muell.
The plant has edible roots.

Hypoxis sp. Amaryllideae (Hypoxidaceae).
Labillardiere found a species in the forests of New Caledonia, the roots of which are eaten by the natives.

Hyptis spicigara Lam. Labiatae.
African tropics.
This plant of tropical Africa is called neeno and is cultivated by the natives of Gani as a grain. It is eaten roasted by them. They also extract an oil from the seeds, both black and white, of this strongly smelling plant. Schweinfurth says the tiny seeds are brazed to a jelly and are used by the natives of central Africa as an adjunct to their stews and gravies. The Bongo and Niam-Niam, especially, store large quantities.

Hyssopus officinalis Linn. Labiatae. HYSSOP.
Europe and temperate Asia.
Hyssop was once considerably employed in domestic medicine. From the frequent mention made of it in Scripture, we may infer that it grew wild in Syria and Egypt. In French and Italian cookery, the tops of the young shoots are sometimes used in soups. In 1597, Gerarde figures three varieties; in 1683, Worlidge names it among culinary herbs in England, but says it is more valued for medicine; in 1778, Mawe describes six varieties, and says the plant is generally cultivated in the kitchen garden; in 1806, McMahon includes hyssop in his list of kitchen aromatics for American gardens. Hyssop is mentioned among European garden plants by Albertus Magnus in the thirteenth century and in nearly all the later botanies, Ray enumerating it also as an ornamental plant, in nine varieties. As an ornamental plant, hyssop is deserving of notice but its present use in American gardens must be very limited. It is mentioned by Paulus Aegnita, in the seventh century, as a medicinal plant. It is said by Fessenden, 1828, to be occasionally used as a potherb. At present, it has become naturalized as an escape from gardens in Michigan. In France, hyssop is grown in the flower gardens.

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