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Edible Plant Species

Inga buorgoni DC. Leguminosae.
Tropical America.
The pulp of this-legume is edible.

I. fagifolia Willd.
Tropical America.
The seeds are covered with a fleshy, edible pulp.

I. feuillei DC.
This plant is a native of Peru and is cultivated there in gardens, where it is called pacay. The white pulp of its long pods is eaten.

I. insignis Kunth.
The pulp of the legume is edible.

I. marginata Willd.
Tropical America.
The legume contains a sweet and sapid edible pulp.

I. spectabilis Willd.
Tropical America.
This plant bears a pod with black seeds in sweet, juicy cotton. It was called guavas by Cieza de Leon in his travels, 1532- 50. It is the guavo real of Panama and is commonly cultivated for the white pulp about the seeds.

I. vera Willd. Linn.
Tropical America.
The pulp about the seeds is sweet and is eaten by negroes.

Inocarpus edulis Forst. Leguminosae. TAHITIAN CHESTNUT.
Islands of the Pacific.
The nuts of the ivi, or Tahitian chestnut, says Seemann, are eaten in the Fiji Islands, roasted or in a green state, and are soft and pleasant to the taste. They are much prized by the natives of the Indian Archipelago and in Machian the inhabitants almost live on them. Labillardiere says the fruit is eaten boiled by the natives of the Friendly Islands and the flavor is very much like that of chestnuts. Wilkes says it is the principal food of the mountaineers of Fiji. Voigt says the nuts are edible but are by no means pleasant. The tree is called in Tahiti, rata.

Inula crithmoides Linn. Compositae.
Mediterranean regions.
The leaves are pickled and eaten as a condiment.

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