
This group consists of only one tender, evergreen shrub from California that is commonly known as Tree Anemone. C. californica is a medium-sized shrub with long, narrow, green leaves that are covered with a grayish down underneath. Large, white flowers with golden anthers are borne in mid-summer at the ends of the shoots. Each flower is 2 to 3 inches in diameter.

Pot Cultivation

Tree Anemones need a tropical atmosphere. They should be planted, in the spring, in a warm, sunny location, such as the base of a wall. They should be grown in well-drained loam. Pruning consists of simply removing very weak and dead shoots after flowering.


Seeds may be sown thinly in sandy loam outdoors or in a frame in the spring. Cuttings may be made of the ends of non-flowering side shoots, 2 or 3 inches long. These can be inserted in June or July, in a frame that is kept closed for a few weeks. Another method is to take cuttings that are 3 or 4 inches long and place them outdoors under a bell jar or hand light, in August or September. The lower branches may also be layered in the fall.

C. californica


C. californica & var. Bodnant. 

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