
This is a group of tender, evergreen trees and shrubs originally from eastern Australia, New Guinea, Central and South America, and Malaysia. D. lanceolata (Pepper Tree) is a medium-sized to large, fragrant, erect-growing shrub with purplish-red shoots and dark green leaves that are light green underneath. Its young shoots are tinted with copper. White male and female flowers are produced on separate plants. They are abundantly produced from mid- to late spring. D. winteri (Winter's Bark) is a large shrub or small tree with large (6 to 8 inches), leathery leaves that are bloomy underneath. The fragrant, white flowers are produced in loose umbels, in late spring. This variety can be trained into tree form when it is young. The bark of D. winteri is used in South America for medicinal purposes. It has stimulant and aromatic properties and has been used as a tonic for certain stomach problems.

Pot Cultivation

Drimys can be grown outdoors in mild climates only. They should be grown in well-drained, loamy soil. It would be beneficial if a little peat was placed around the roots at planting time.


Seeds and cuttings can be placed in a warm greenhouse in the spring. Branches can also be layered in the spring.

D. lanceolata.


  • D. winteri;
  • D. lanceolata.

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