
This group consists of about forty, mostly evergreen, shrubs and small treesnative to South America. They usually reach a height ranging from 5 to 8 feet unless they're grown in warm, seaside regions, where they'll be taller. These tender plants flower in the summer, autumn and even early winter. They have tiny leaves and an abundance of colorful, small flowers. These plants are tolerant of wind and salty spray, making them excellent for growing near the coast. E. 'C.F. Ball' is an evergreen shrub that grows up to 10 feet high. Its glossy, green leaves emit a pleasant fragrance when crushed. This plant produces lovely crimson blossoms. E. 'Donard Star' is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub that bears pretty pink flowers. E. rubra 'Woodside' is a small, compact shrub that makes an attractive accent in a large rock garden with its small, tubular-shaped, dark red flowers. E. virgata is a deciduous shrub whose slender branches are covered with tiny leaves and many tiny, white flowers. This variety doesn't tolerate alkaline soil.

Pot Cultivation

These plants need to be grown in mild climates. They are not picky about their soil, as long as it is very well drained. Their old flowering growths should be cut back right after flowering. Straggly plants can also be pruned back hard at this time.


Cuttings can be made of short side shoots in August. Insert these in a propagating case filled with sand and set in a lightly shaded greenhouse or insert in a closed cold frame.

E. rubra E. virgata.


  • E. 'Apple Blossom';
  • E. 'C.F. Ball';
  • E. 'Donard Beauty';
  • E. 'Donard Radiance';
  • E. 'Donard Seedling';
  • E. 'Donard Star';
  • E. 'Edinensis';
  • E. 'Gwendolyn Anley';
  • E. 'Iveyi';
  • E. 'Langleyensis';
  • E. macrantha;
  • E. 'Peach Blossom';
  • E. 'Pride of Donard';
  • E.'Red Dream';
  • E. 'Red Elf';
  • E. 'Red Hedge';
  • E. rubra 'Crimson Spire';
  • E. rubra var. macrantha, 'Woodside', 'Slieve Donard';
  • E. stricta 'Harold Comber';
  • E. virgata. 

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