Pot Cultivation
The best potting compost consists of equal parts of turfy loam, peat, and sand. Repotting should be done in March and a little of the old soil should be replaced with fresh. Large plants may be grown in tubs or in a bed of soil in a greenhouse. Prune these plants by slightly shortening the shoots after flowering. They need full sun and good ventilation. From October through April they should be watered moderately, and during the summer the soil is constantly kept moist.Propagation
Young shoots, with a "heel" of wood attached, can be inserted into sandy peat in the summer and placed under a bell jar in the greenhouse until they form roots. They are then potted in 3-inch pots. Grevillea robusta can be raised from seeds that are planted in sandy soil in the spring and placed in a propagating case in the greenhouse. The seedlings are potted in small pots and later are moved into 5-inch pots.G. robusta |
- G. alpina;
- G. Thelemanniana;
- G. Banksii;
- G. robusta;
- G. rosmarinifolia;
- G. juniperina.