Pot Cultivation
These plants need light, well-drained soil and a sunny position. Although these plants are treated as annuals, they may be kept for many years if the tubers are lifted and dried in the fall and stored in a frost proof place for the winter. The clumps of tubers are divided and planted outside in May.Propagation
Chill the seeds in the refrigerator for a week before planting. Start them inside at a 70- to 75-degree temperature, 6 to 8 weeks before it's safe for them to be planted outside, in pots filled with light, sandy soil; cover them with a thin layer of fine soil. They can also be sown outside as soon as the soil is warm.M. longiflora |
- M. Jalapa (Marvel-of-Peru or Four-o'clock);
- M. longiflora;
- M. multiflora.