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This perennial grows wild in the Chatham Island (New Zealand) and resembles Forget-Me-Nots (Myosotis), thus the common names "Chatham Islands or Forget-Me-Not". This beautiful plant is not commonly grown because it isn't easily managed and only survives outdoors in mild climates where there are fairly cool summers. Chatham Islands forms clumps of lustrous, bright green, succulent leaves that are kidney- to heart-shaped and deeply ribbed. Its small, blue flowers are borne in dense, rounded heads, in the summer. This plant grows from 18 to 24 inches high with a spread of 24 inches.

Pot Cultivation

Chatham Islands needs to be grown in well-drained, humus-rich soil. They need a sheltered, partially shaded position. This plant is good for maritime gardens. Seaweed mulch is beneficial.


Although this plant can be increased by division in the spring, it is not smart to disturb flourishing plants. The best way is to sow fresh seeds in loam and leaf mold, in the fall.

M. hortensia. 


M. hortensia. 

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