
This group consists of hardy and tender perennials. They are found wild in North and South America, Asia and Africa. Very few kinds are in cultivation. P. dioica, the Umbra, is a quick growing tree that is grown for decoration in mild climates. It is an evergreen and grows up to 60 feet high. It produces white flowers. P. americana, Pokeweed or Poke Sallet, is found wild from Maine to Florida and Mexico. It is so abundant around old barns and feedlotsthat is usually gathered from the wild rather than grown in the garden. Pokeweed is a perennial in the South and warm West and is grown as an annual everywhere else. These sprawling, vivid plants can grow 6 to 10 feet high and they produce oblong leaves and sprays of pitch-black berries. The young shoots are edible and used as a potherb, but the large, fleshy root is very poisonous.

Pot Cultivation

Grow this plant in full sun at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks until late summer to have a continuous supply of fresh leaves. Feed them plenty of manure water to force tender growth. When they are 12 to 18 inches high and have 6 to 8 large, tender leaves, pull them up. Use a spade and dig deeply to pry up the root, or it will break off and start new top growth. Cut off and throw out the poisonous root. When boiling the greens, pour off a couple of batches of water to get rid of the oxalic acid that puts the "bite" into the flavor. Don't eat the leaves of older plants because they can make you sick.


As soon as the soil is workable, sow seeds 6 to 8 inches apart in bands 12 inches wide. Cover them with 2 -inch of sand or soil.

P. americana
P. dioica


  • P. americana (Pokeweed, Poke Sallet);
  • P. dioica (Umbra). 

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