Pot Cultivation
They can be grown in full sun or light shade in light, acidic soil that has been improved with loam or peat moss. They should be planted in the fall or spring, in a sheltered position. If the plants are bought balled and burlapped, they should be planted in early spring. Prune young trees in the summer; older trees rarely need any.Propagation
Seeds may be sown as soon as they are harvested. They may be planted in pots or flats that are set outdoors during the winter and brought into a warm greenhouse in the spring, when they should soon sprout. Sometimes, the seeds may not sprout the first spring, but they shouldn't be discarded until the second spring after sowing. Some varieties can be rooted from cuttings of short shoots, in the summer. Insert the cuttings into sandy soil in a closed cold frame. They may also be increased by layering the lower branches, however, seeds are the best means of propagation.S. dasyantha |
- S. japonica (Japanese Snowbell) & var. Pink Chimes;
- S. Obassia (Fragrant Snowbell);
- S. Hemsleyana;
- S. Wilsonii;
- S. Veitchiorum;
- S. dasyantha;
- S. Shiraiana;
- S. langhongensis;
- S. shweliansis;
- S. americanus (American Snowbell or American Storax);
- S. officinalis (European Storax);
- S. grandifolius.