
The Stinging Nettle has been popular in Europe for quite some time and are becoming more so in the U.S. These unwieldy perennials grow up to 22 feet high. These plants are irritating to handle and don't belong in the kitchen garden, but they can be placed out of the way in a lightly shaded position in moist soil. The edible, young leaves are used like spinach, are oval to heart-shaped and deeply toothed.

Pot Cultivation

They should be set 6 inches apart in the spring after danger from frost has passed. The tender tips of the leaves are clipped and cooked like spinach. Make sure to wear gloves and long sleeves when harvesting.


Stinging Nettles are widely distributed as a weed. You can take cuttings or seeds from naturalized stands and plant them.

U. dioca


  • U. dioca

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