
A. conjuncta forms clumps of circular leaves having 7 to 9 segments joined at the base, with teeth almost hidden by silky hair. They are blue-green above and silver beneath. It produces tiny, star-shaped, greenish-yellow flowers in bunches during the summer. This plant grows up to a foot high and wide. It is found wild in the sub-alpine meadows and rocky streamsides in the Jura and southwest Alps. A. mollis, Lady's Mantle, forms clumps of soft green foliage that is circular, made up of 9 to 11 rounded, neatly serrated lobes. Its tiny, bright greenish-yellow flowers are borne in sprays throughout the summer. They can be dried and used in winter arrangements. This plant comes from streambanks, meadows, and forests of eastern Carpathians and Caucasus. It also grows up to a foot high and wide.

POTTING: Grow these plants in moist, well-drained soil in an open, sunny position. A. mollis is a good plant for herbaceous borders, screes and paving crevice plantings.

PROPAGATION: These plants can be increased by sowing seeds or dividing the plants in the spring or fall.

  • A. conjuncta
  • A. mollis
  • A. alpina
  • A. sericea
  • A. vulgaris.

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