Abbreviations used in this chapter

amp = antimicrobe peptide
A.rh = Agrobacterium rhizogenes
A.t. = Agrobacterium tumefaciens
ALS = acetolactate synthase (herbicide resistance)
APH= hygromycin phosphotransferase (hygromycin resistance)
attE or attacinE = lytic protein attacin E
BAR= phosphinorthiricin acetyltransferase (herbicide resistance)
btk-ICP = insecticidal crystal protein (B. thuringensis var. Kurstak)
cec = cecropin

CpTI = cowpea trypsin inhibitor
cryIAa, cryIAc = insecticidal crystal protein genes (ICPs) from B. thuringensis)
EP = electroporation
GCMV-CP = grapevine chrome mosaic virus-coat protein gene
GFLV-CP = grapevine fan leaf virus coat protein gene
GNA= Galanthus nivalis agglutinin
gus = β-glucuronidase gene
hEGF = human epidermal growth factor
HPT = hygromycin phosphotransferase (hygromycin resistance)
ipt = isopentyl transferase (cytokinin synthesis)
NOS= nopaline synthase
NPTII= neomycin phosphotransferase (kanamycin resistance)
OSH1 = homebox rice
PB = particle bombardment
PG = polyethylene glycol mediated
PGIP = polygalacturonase inhibitor protein
PPV-CP = plum pox virus-coat protein gene
PRV-CP = papaya ringspot virus-coat protein gene
RiT-DNA = root inducing T-DNA of A. rhizogenes
SAMase = S-adenosyl methionine hydrolase
S.V. = somaclonal variation
T = gene transformation
ThEn-42 = endochitinase from Trichoderma harsianum
TomRSV-CP = tomato ringspot virus coat protein gene
uncp = untranslatable coat protein gene of the Citrus tristeza virus