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Selected References
Baker, A. N., F. W. E. Rowe, and H. E. S. Clark. 1986. A new class of Echinodermata from New Zealand. Nature 321:862–864. Describes the strange class Concentricycloidea.

Birkeland, C. 1989. The Faustian traits of the crown-of-thorns starfish. Am. Sci. 77:154–163. Fast growth in the early years of the life of an Acanthaster planci results in loss of body integrity in later life.

Gilbert, S. F. 1997. Developmental biology, ed. 5. Sunderland, Massachusetts, Sinauer Associates. Any modern text in developmental biology, such as this one, provides a multitude of examples in which studies on echinoderms have contributed (and continue to contribute) to our knowledge of development.

Hendler, G., J. E. Miller, D. L. Pawson, and P. M. Kier. 1995. Sea stars, sea urchins, and allies: Echinoderms of Florida and the Caribbean. Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press. An excellent field guide for echinoderm identification.

Hickman, C. P., Jr. 1998. A field guide to sea stars and other echinoderms of Galápagos. Lexington, VA, Sugar Spring Press. Provides descriptions and nice photographs of members of classes Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea, and Holothuroidea in the Galápagos Islands.

Hughes, T. P. 1994. Catastrophes, phase shifts and large-scale degradation of a Caribbean coral reef. Science 265:1547–1551. Describes the sequence of events, including the die-off of sea urchins, leading to the destruction of the coral reefs around Jamaica.

Lane, D. J. W. 1996. A crown-of-thorns outbreak in the eastern Indonesian Archipelago, February 1996. Coral Reefs. 15:209–210. This is the first report of an outbreak of Acanthaster planci in Indonesia. It includes a good photograph of an aggregation of these sea stars.

Lawrence, J. 1989. A functional biology of echinoderms. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press. Well-researched book on echinoderm biology with emphasis on feeding, maintenance, and reproduction.

Moran, P. J. 1990. Acanthaster planci (L.): biographical data. Coral Reefs 9:95–96. Presents a summary of essential biological data on A. planci. This entire issue of Coral Reefs is devoted to A. planci.

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