Biotechnology & Biosafety,
Intellectual Property Right (IPR) and Protection (IPP)
The main "topic of concern" related to the environmental release of GMOs are given below:
(i) Risks for human health toxicity and food quality/safety allergies, pathogens' drug resistance i.e. antibiotic resistance
(ii) Risks for the environment persistence of gene or transgene or transgene products resistance of target organisms or susceptibility of non-target organisms increased use of chemicals in agriculture transgene instability unpredictable gene expression
(iii) Risks for agriculture weeds or superweeds alteration of nutritional value reduction of cultivars and loss of biodiversity
(iv) Risks of interaction with non-target organisms genetic pollution through pollen or seed dispersal horizontal gene transfer transfer of foreign gene to microorganism i.e. DNA uptake generation of new line viruses by recombination
(v) General concerns higher cost of agriculture loss of familiarity ethical issues, etc.
Hazards of Environmental Engineering
Many countries have formulated the Biosafety Guidelines for rDNA manipulation with the aims (i) to minimize the probability of occasional release of GMMs, and (ii) to ban the deliberate release of such organisms into the environment. In India, DBT has evolved "the recombinant DNA safety guidelines" to exercise powers conferred through the Environmental Protection Act 1986 for the manufacture, use, import, export and storage of hazardous microorganisms/genetically engineered organisms, cell, etc. These guidelines arebeing implemented through the following three mechanisms:
(a) the institutional biosafety committees (IBSCs) monitors the research activity at institutional level,
(b) the review committee on genetic manipulation (RCGM) functioning in the DBT which allows the risky research activities in the laboratories, and
(c) the genetic engineering approval committee (GEAC) of the Ministry of Environment and Forest has the power to permit large scale use of GMOs at commercial level, and open field trials of transgenic materials including agricultural crops, industrial products, health care products, etc. (DBT, Annual Report 1995-96).
Operation of Biosafety Guidelines and Regulations
(a) M/S Proagro PGS India Ltd had imported the transgenic mustard seeds expressing Barstar and Barnase genes from Belgium to evaluate the performance of seeds in Indian soils. This company has also imported transgenic seeds of tomato containing B. thuringiensis (Bt) CRYIA(b) gene to assess the resistance of cultivars containing transformed potato plants with the above gene to specific tomato fruitworms of India.
(b) M/S MAHYCO, Mumbai imported seeds of transgenic cotton containing Bt gene to conduct trials in glasshouse by back crossing with Indian cotton lines and to evaluate resistance of the transgenic plants to boll worms in India.
(c) M/S Transgene Vaccines Ltd, Hyderabad imported the recombinant strains of yeast expressing Hepatitis B surface antigen protein. The company was granted permission to carry out experiments for small scale production of vaccines at IMTECH, Chandigarh.
(d) M/S Santha Biotechnics Ltd, Hyderabad conducted experiments for the production of recombinant Hepatitis B vaccines and human a-interferon by using yeast and E.coli respectively.