Commercial Producers of Biofertilizers

Following are some of the companies producing microbial inoculants (the addresses are subject to change):
A. Indian Companies: Trade name
1. Bacfil, 25 N.K. Road, Lucknow 'Rhizoteeka'
2. Microbes India, 87 Lenin Sarani, Calcutta-13
3. Rallis India Ltd, 87 Richmond, Road, Bangalore-25
4. Indian Organic Chemicals Ltd, 15 Mathew Road, Mumbai - 4 'Nodin', 'Natrin’
B. Foreign Companies:
1. Union Chemique S.A., Belgium 'Nodosit'
2. Phyluxia Allami, Hungary 'Rhizonit'
3. Laboratorie de Microbiologie, France 'N-germ'
4. Root Nodue Pvt. Ltd., Australia 'Nitrogerm'
5. Agricultural Laboratories, Austria. 'Nodulud'
6. Radicin Institute, Germany. 'Radicin Impfsfoff'
7. Abbot Laboratories , U.S.A. and
Institute for Mycorrhizal Research
and Development, U.S.D.A., Athens.