Problems in Classification
In fungi exhibiting perfect phases in the reproductive cycle, classification is
determined in part by the fruiting bodies produced in the sexual process.
Because fruiting bodies are absent in Fungi Imperfecti, it is necessary to use
the conidia for purposes of identification. The problems with doing so are
legion, however, primarily because conidia are prone to alteration. Slight variations
in culture conditions can change the form of conidia, as can nutritional
changes and various methods of inoculation. One consequence of
using this method is that the same organism has sometimes been classified
in different groups and given different names. It is little wonder that workers
in this field are led to complain that they are “working in the dark.” The need
to rely on pycnidia (flask-shaped structures that produce conidiospores) and
conidia for classification defeats the hope of creating a phylogenetic arrangement
reflecting genetic kinship.