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Alcorn State University


  Alcorn State University
  Mississippi Association of Cooperatives
  Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce
  Mississippi State University

Program Description
Alcorn Extension Program serves as a Resource Center for Small and Limited Resource Vegetable and Fruit Producers. Our program assists farmers in strengthening their marketing skills through establishing cooperatives farmers' markets. We also assist our small farmers in farm business management, record keeping, and estate planning. Workshops, seminars, and demonstrations are conducted as needed to ensure that the most recent and reliable findings of agricultural researchbased information and techniques are relayed to the communities. This process allows the flow of information back to t he University so that research priorities can be established.

Publications Curriculum Titles:
1. Identifying and Managing Financial Risk on the Farm.
2. Identifying and Managing Legal Risk on the Farm.
3. Goat Production.
4. Pastured Poultry.
5. Enhancing Your Farm Family Income through Syrup Production, Processing and Marketing.
6. The Healthy Weights Program.
7. Leaders and Youth Building Strong Communities: Forming Partnerships in School and Community Clubs.
8. Land Stewardship / Land Management Handbook.
9. Starting With the Basics: Perspectives in Parenting.
10. Tobacco Education.

Anthony Reed
Director, Small Farm Outreach /
Farm Management Specialist,
1000 ASU Dr. # 479,
Alcorn State, Ms 39096.
Phone: (601) 877-2305
Fax: (601) 877-6694
Email: areed@lorman.alcorn.edu

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