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College of Micronesia


  College of Micronesia

Program Description
Farm or garden activities in Micronesia are small. A typical vegetable farm is about ¼ of an acre. Except for black pepper, most of the agricultural activities are either for subsistence or less than one acre of either mono or multi-cropping farms. On-going small farms in Yap are range from a few rows to about an acre. In collaboration with the local government of Enewetak in the Marshall Islands, a food production project started two years ago and is still expanding.

College of Micronesia-FSM,
P. O. Box 159,
KoloniaPohnpei, FM 96941.
Phone: (011) 691 - 320-2480
Fax: (011)/ 691-320-2479
Eail: national@comfsm.fm
Web: http://www.comfsm.fm/

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