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  CSA Learning Center
  Farm Foundation
  Illinois Department of Agriculture
  Illinois Stewardship Alliance
  University of Illinois-Urbana

Program Description
FamilyFarmed supports the growth of a regional food system in the Midwest by establishing markets for organic and sustainable family farms in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

FamilyFarmed.org is a website, food label, and EXPO that connects organic farmers in the Midwest with consumers and commercial buyers.

FamilyFarmed.org creates sustainable economic development, builds community, and contributes to a healthy environment by encouraging people to buy food from local producers.

The Land of Organic Opportunity, upcoming in 2006, Feasibility Study for Sustainable Midwestern Food System.

Lynn Peemoeller
Program Director
Phone: (312) 951-8999 x102
Email: lynn@sustainusa.org
Web: http://familyfarmed.org/

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