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Louisiana State University


  Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry
  Louisiana State University
  Southern University and A&M College

Program Description
The Louisiana Cooperative Extension provides information and on-farm assistance on agriculture and home economics to all citizens of Louisiana. Small farmers and their families are participants in all of our programs. Programs which we have developed specifically for small farmers and/or have a high degree of small farmer participation are as follows:
  • Farmers' Markets and Vegetable Marketing.
  • Livestock management.
  • Farm Management and Record Keeping.
Gerald Giesler
Louisiana State University,
Ag Admin Bldg.-Rm. 273,
Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
Phone: (225) 578-4563
Fax: (225) 771-2242
Email: ggiesler@agctr.lsu.edu
LSU Agcenter Publications,
P.O. Box 25100,
Baton Rouge, LA 70894-5100.
Phone: (225) 578 6598
Fax: 225 578 4524
Web:http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/commu nications/publications/

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