The palatine bones
The palatine bones are generally long and concave on their
palatine faces. In front, they pass beneath (i. e., on the ventral
side of) the maxillo-palatines and unite with the premaxillae,
sometimes by a squamous suture, sometimes by anchylosis,
rarely, as in the Parrots, by a flexible joint. Posteriorly,
they always unite with the pterygoids. In most birds, the
palatines converge, posteriorly, toward the basi-sphenoidal
rostrum, and unite with it by an articular surface, which allows
of a sliding motion of the palatines upon the rostrum. Such
an articulation does not exist in Ratitae, or in the Tinamous,
among the Carinatae. In these (with the exception of Struthio), the palatines are, as it were, borne off from the rostrum
by the divergent ends of the great vomer, and the disposition
of the parts is more lacertilian than in other birds,
The outer, or posterior, end of the pterygoid bone presents a
fossa for an articular head, which is developed upon the inner
side of the distal end of the quadrate. The inner, or anterior,
ends of the pterygoids meet in almost all birds, and may become
articulated with the basi-sphenoidal rostrum. In all embryonic
birds, in all the Ratitae, and in many Carinatae, such
as the Tinamomorphoe, Charadriomorphae, Alectoromorphae,
Peristeromorphae, Chenomorphae, longer or shorter processes
extend from the basi-sphenoid, and present terminal articular
facets to corresponding facets upon the inner sides of the
pterygoids. These are basi-pterygoid processes, similar to
those which occur in Lacertilia and some Ophidia.