
Selected References
Bergquist, P. R. 1978. Sponges. Berkeley, University of California Press. Excellent monograph on sponge structure, classification, evolution, and general biology.

Grell, K. G. 1982. Placozoa. In S. P. Parker (ed). Synopsis and classification of living organisms, vol. 1. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company. Synopsis of placozoan characteristics.

Hartman, W. D. 1982. Porifera. In S. P. Parker (ed). Synopsis and classification of living organisms, vol. 1. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company. Review of sponge classification.

Simpson, T. L. 1984. The cell biology of sponges. New York, Springer-Verlag. A review and synthesis, noting many problems yet to be solved.

Wainright, P. O., G. Hinkle, M. L. Sogin, S. K. Stickel. 1993. Monophyletic origins of the Metazoa: an evolutionary link with Fungi. Science 260:340–342. Reports molecular evidence that the sister group of metazoans is Fungi and that multicellular animals, including sponges, are monophyletic.

Wood, R. 1990. Reef-building sponges. Am. Sci. 78:224–235. The author presents evidence that known sclerosponges belong to either the Calcarea or the Demospongiae and that a separate class Sclerospongiae is not needed.

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