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Selected References
Brown, B. E., and J. C. Ogden. 1993. Coral bleaching. Sci. Am. 268:64–70 (Jan.). Abnormally warm water is apparently the cause of reef corals losing their zooxanthellae.

Crossland, C. J., B. G. Hatcher, and S. V. Smith. 1991. Role of coral reefs in global ocean production. Coral Reefs 10:55–64. Because of extensive recycling of nutrients within reefs, their net energy production for export is relatively minor. However, they play a major role in inorganic carbon precipitation by biologically-mediated processes.

Fishman, D. J. 1991. Corals in a troubled sea of crude: the harder marine ecosystem of the Persian Gulf. Ocean Realm Spring: pp. 9–11. The corals in the Persian Gulf are tougher than corals in other areas, but they may not withstand the disastrous oil spill from the Persian Gulf War.

Goreau, T. F., N. I. Goreau, and T. J. Goreau. 1979. Corals and coral reefs. Sci. Am. 2451:124–135 (Aug.). A good summary of the biology, ecology, and physiology of reef corals.

Hughes, T. P. 1994. Catastrophes, phase shifts, and large-scale degradation of a Caribbean coral reef. Science 265:1547–1551. How the reefs around Jamaica were destroyed.
Humann, P. 1992. Reef creature identification. Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas. Jacksonville, Florida, New World Publications, Inc. This is the best field guide available for identification of “non-coral” cnidarians.

Humann, P. 1993. Reef coral identification. Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas. Jacksonville, Florida, New World Publications, Inc. Superb color photographs and accurate identifications make this by far the best field guide to corals now available; includes sea grasses and some algae.

Karlson, R. H., and L. E. Hurd. 1993. Disturbance, coral reef communities, and changing ecological paradigms. Coral Reefs. 12:117–125. The first article of an entire issue devoted to effects of major disturbances, such as El Niño, hurricanes, and floods.

Kenchington, R., and G. Kelleher. 1992. Crown-of-thorns starfish management conundrums. Coral Reefs 11:53–56. The first article of an entire issue on the starfish: Acanthaster planci, a predator of corals. Another entire issue was devoted to this predator in 1990 .

Lenhoff, H. M., and S. G. Lenhoff. 1988. Trembley’s polyps. Sci. Am. 258:108–113 (Apr.). Trembley’s elegant experiments on hydras in the 1740s were the dawn of experimental zoology.

Siddall, M. E., D. S. Martin, D. Bridge, S. S. Desser, and D. K. Cone. 1995. The demise of a phylum of protists: Phylogeny of Myxozoa and other parasitic Cnidaria. J. Parasitol. 81:961-967.

Ward, F. 1990. Florida’s coral reefs are imperiled. National Geographic 178(1):115–132. Describes the degradation suffered by reefs in the Florida Keys, along with the probable causes.

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