Life over Time
Table 38-2 shows life-forms in relation to geological time in a manner somewhat
different from that employed in table 38-1. The bacteria, algae, and
fungi are shown to be stabilized, remaining essentially constant in numbers
of forms across time. The club mosses were much more abundant in the
Devonian and Carboniferous periods, and became much diminished as the
Mesozoic era approached. The same is shown for the horsetails. The ginkgoes
were more abundant during the first half of the Mesozoic era, and today are
represented by a single form,
Ginkgo biloba. Coniferous trees had their time
of dominance in the Mesozoic era, and the angiosperms appeared in more
recent times, at the beginning of the Cenozoic era.
Table 38-2 Geological Time Chart Showing The Rise and Decline of Various Plant Forms. |