Gardens & Garden Features

The gardens are not only for their recreation values but they also give privacy as they separate the main road from the house. Some form of enclosures are therefore a prime necessity. Fences and hedges are erected. A path is laid down connecting the house with the outside road. The path on both the sides has bigger trees to give shade and is called avenue.


The path connects the different parts of the garden as well as to the main road. Paths are skeleton frame work of a garden and a means of circulating around the place. The paths are of two types. They may be 3 to 4 ft. wide and formed of earth or soil where soil is of medium texture. The main path is often paved. Hard paths are essential in those places which take a great deal of wear and tear e.g., the vegetable plot, green houses and around frames. The paths can be made up of a variety of materials - grass, bricks, cobbles, stones and crazy paving. Paths, which are necessary for proper working, should be approximately leveled and wherever a fall occurs it should be connected by steps. Sloping paths on a terrace should be avoided.

Brick paths are made up of stones, sand and hard brick. The bricks are often cemented. The brick paths are used when old, establishment effects are to be given. Paths of gravel or stepping stones through flower beds give an informal look. Delightful edging to garden paths may be made by planting lawn grass. The lawn grass requires careful maintenance.

Some pathway plants
The plants grown on pathway or footway are smaller than the avenue trees with beautiful colored flowers, or they may be evergreen trees.

  1. Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae) - Medium size evergreen, commonly known as 'neem' tree. It has medicinal use also.

  2. Butea frondosa (Legununosae) - A medium sized tree which is deciduous, flowers are beautiful, economically important.

  3. Cassia fistula - A medium size tree with yellow, beautiful inflorescences which hang from the tree.

  4. Erythrina indica - A medium size tree with scarlet red flowers, commonly called Indian coral tree.

  5. Gliricidia maculata (Leguminosae) - A small handsome tree with purplish pink flowers.

  6. Kleinhovia hispida (Sterculaceae) - A medium sized evergreen tree with rosy-pink flowers in terminal panicles. The pods are also ornamental.

  7. Millingtonia hortensis (Bignoniaceae) - A tall tree commonly called Indian cork tree. The flowers are white and fragrant.

  8. Pongamia glabra (Leguminosae Delonix regia) - Road-side tree with beautiful red or orange flowers (Gulmohar tree).

  9. Pithecolobium saman (Leguminosae) - A pathway plant with yellow coloured flowers.

  10. Saraca indica - Beautiful evergreen plant with bunches of orange red flower. Commonly called Ashok tree.