Principles of Horticulture / Soil organic matter
Benefits of organic matter
Organic matter plays an important part in the management of soils. The
main benefits are:
- living organisms in the soil play their part in the conversion of plant
and animal debris to minerals and humus;
- Rhizobia and Azotobacter spp. fix gaseous nitrogen;
- plant roots, earthworms and other burrowing organisms improve the
soil structure;
- many types of bacteria play an important role in the detoxification of
harmful organic materials such as pesticides and herbicides;
- dead organic matter is food for soil organisms and increases
microbial activity;
- dead but recognizable organic matter physically opens up the soil and
improves aeration;
- fine, unrecognizable organic matter helps improve the water holding
capacity of the soil;
- decomposing organic matter provides a source of dilute slow release
- humus coats soil particles with a black colloid and modifies their
- darker soils warm up faster in the spring;
- organic matter improves water-holding capacity;
- cation exchange capacity is increased, which can reduce the
leaching of cations from the profile;
- on sandy and silty soils the humus enables stable crumbs to be
- the surface charges on humus are capable of combining with the clay
particles, thereby making heavy soils less sticky and more friable.
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