Herbicides that are applied to the seedbed or growing crop must have a
selective action, i.e. kill the weed but leave the crop undamaged. This
selective action may succeed for one of several reasons. Chemicals often
affect different plant families in different ways. The broad-leaved turf
weed, daisy (
Bellis perennis, a member of the Asteraceae) is controlled
2,4-D, leaving the turf grasses (Graminae) unaffected.
Sometimes plant species are affected by different concentrations of
the chemical to a degree that can be exploited. The correct concentration
of selective chemicals may be vital if the crop is to remain
It can thus be seen that a concentration of 25 ppm of propyzamide
applied to lettuce would leave the crop unaffected, but control all the
weeds except groundsel.
The following relative values (parts per million, ppm) for the amount
propyzamide herbicide required to kill different plant species
illustrate this point:
Crops |
Weeds |
carrot |
0.8 |
knotgrass |
0.08 |
cabbage |
1.0 |
black nightshade |
0.2 |
lettuce |
78.0 |
fat hen |
0.6 |
pennycress |
78.0 |
groundsel |
Figure 16.9 Types of herbicide action. (Reproduced by
permission of
Blackwell Scientific Publications) |
A third form of selectivity operates by correct timing
of herbicide application. A seedbed with crop seeds
deep enough below and weed seeds germinating at
the surface may receive a contact chemical, such
paraquat, which permits germination of the
crop without weed competition. A similar effect
is achieved when a residual herbicide, such as
propachlor, is sprayed onto the soil surface to await
weed seed germination. The situations for weed
control are summarized in Figure 16.9.
Herbicides may conveniently be divided into two
main groups: the
foliage-acting, and the
soilacting (residual) chemicals.
Foliage-acting herbicides
These enter the leaf through fine pores in the cuticle
or the stomata. The herbicide may move through
the vascular system (translocated chemicals) to all
parts of the plant before killing plant cells, or it may
kill on contact with the leaf. Four active ingredients
are described, each belonging to a different
chemical group, and each having a different effect
on weeds:
- Glufosinate-ammonium is a non-selective,
non-residual herbicide available to both
amateur and professional growers. It is
commonly used to kill top growth of a wide
spectrum of weeds in stale seedbeds, after harvest, in bush and tree
fruit, or in waste land. It is translocated from leaves to the roots. It
is quickly absorbed in damp soils, thus allowing planting soon after
its application. It should not be used on foliage of vegetables, annual
bedding plants or on turf. Similarly, after spraying this chemical, it
is crucial that soles of boots contaminated with the chemical do not
inadvertently walk across grass.
- 2,4-D is available to both amateur and professional growers. It is an
auxin and causes uncontrolled abnormal growth on leaves, stems
and roots of broad-leaved weeds, which eventually die. It is a useful selective herbicide on turf because the protected meristems of grasses
can survive unaffected. It must be kept well away from nearby border
plants and from some crops, such as tomatoes, which are extremely
sensitive to minute quantities of the chemical. In formulations for
the private garden, 2,4-D is mixed with other ingredients, such as dichlorprop, to give a broader spectrum of weed control.
- Amitrole is available to professional growers. It is used in similar
situations to glufosinate-ammonium, but is more residual, surviving
in the soil for several weeks. It stops photosynthesis, scorching both
grass and broad-leaved weeds (non-selective). It is especially useful
on uncropped land and, when applied in autumn, it is translocated to
underground rhizomes of couch that are then killed. It should not be
sprayed onto the foliage of growing plants.
- Glyphosate is available to professional and amateur growers. It
enters the foliage of actively growing annual and perennial weeds
(unselective) and is translocated to underground organs,
subsequently killing them. It is commonly used several weeks before
drilling or planting of crops, around perennial plants such as apples
or in established nursery stock trees. Glyphosate is inactivated in soils
(particularly peats), thus preventing damage to newly sown crops. It
may cause damage if spray-drift to adjoining plants or fields occurs.
Soil-acting herbicides
These are either sprayed onto the soil surface or soil incorporated (see
Figure 16.9). They must be persistent (
residual) for several weeks or
months to kill the seedling before or after it emerges. Root hairs are
the main point of entry. Increased rates may be necessary for peat soils
(since they inactivate some herbicides). The chemical may be applied as
a spray or granule before the crop is sown (
pre-sowing stage), before
the crop emerges (
pre-emergence) or, with more selective chemicals,
after the crop emerges (
post-emergence). Three active ingredients
are described, each belonging to a different chemical group, and each
having a different effect on weeds:
- Sodium chlorate is a residual inorganic ingredient available to amateur
and professional growers for total weed control in non-crop situations. It
enters leaves and roots and has a rapid action. No plantings can be made
until six months after the chemical has been applied.
- Chlorpropham, available only to professional growers, is a relatively
insoluble compound. It is applied as a pre-emergent spray to control
many germinating weeds species, such as chickweed, in crops such as
bulbs, onions, carrots and lettuce. It usually persists for less than three
months in the soil. In light, porous soils with low organic matter, its
rapid penetration to underlying seeds make it an unsuitable chemical.
Earthworm numbers may be reduced by its presence.
- Propachlor, available only to professional growers, is a relatively
insoluble compound; it is applied as a pre-sowing or pre-emergent
spray to control a wide variety of annual weeds in brassicas,
strawberries, onions and leeks. For weeds in established herbaceous
borders (such as rose), the granular formulation gives a residual
protection against most germinating broad-leaved and grass weeds.
The horticulturist must deal with a wide range of annual and perennial
weeds. The somewhat specialized action of some of the herbicide active
ingredients previously described may be inadequate for the control
of a broad weed spectrum. For example, in the case of chlorpropham,
the addition of diuron enables an improved control of charlock and
groundsel, while a different formulation containing chlorpropham plus
linuron is designed to have greater contact action and thus control both
established and germinating weeds in bulb crops. Careful selection of
the most suitable mixture of active ingredients is therefore necessary for
a particular crop/weed situation.