Small Farm Resource / DELAWARE
Delaware State University
Program Description
The small farm activities which are ongoing
at Delaware State University
(DSU) are in conjunction with the
mission of our 1890 University. DSU
continues to strive to meet the needs of
small, limited resource family farms.
Research and Extension areas include:
- Ethnic & Alternative Vegetable Crops
research & Demonstration to amplify
farm profit.
- Aquaculture research designed to
utilize existing farm ponds to
increase farm income.
- Socially Disadvantaged Farm
Program in conjunction with the
USDA-Consolidated Farm Service
Agency goal to increase the
opportunities for socially
disadvantaged persons to begin
family farms or expand existing
family farms.
- Herb & essential oil production to
enhance profit on small acreage.
- Sustainable beef cattle research,
utilizing rotational grazing on
marginal cropland.
DSU Research and Extension Program
philosophy is based on the premise of
small farm diversification, producing
agricultural products that consumers
purchase directly from the farm,
compatible with current farm mix and
requiring minimal capital investment.
The small farm program at DSU
continues to strive and meet the needs
of Delaware’s agricultural community.
John W. Clendaniel
Delaware State University
1200 North Dupont Highway,
Dover, DE 19901.
Phone: (302) 857-6425
Fax: (302) 857-6430
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