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Growing New Farmers


  Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture
  The Flats Mentor Farm Project
  Growing New Farmers
  Massachusetts Department of Food and Agriculture
  New Entry Sustainable Farming Project
  Organic Trade Association
  The New England Small Farm Institute
  The Organic Foods Production Association of North America
  University of Massachusetts

Program Description
GNF is a regional initiative to provide future generations of Northeast farmers with the support and expertise they need to succeed. GNF began as a fouryear project (2001-2005) funded by USDA. Today the GNF Service Provider Consortium is a regional system of support, service, referral and advocacy for new farmers. The GNF website offers interactive features, links, information and an extensive collection of tools and resources for and about new farmers. GNF brings together service providers from across the Northeast who are committed to working with and advocating for new and beginning farmers. GNF serves the Northeast states of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia.

There are dozens of downloadable and linked resources for and about new farmers available on the GNF website, www.growingnewfarmers.org.

P.O. Box 11,
Belchertown, MA 01007.
Phone: (413) 323-9878
Email: info@growingnewfarmers.org
Web: www.growingnewfarmers.org

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