Packed inside an insect no bigger than a jellybean is a venom strong enough to cause intense pain in humans - and occasionally death, in people who are allergic to it.
A biome is a major biotic unit bearing a characteristic and easily recognized array of plant life. Botanists long ago recognized that the terrestrial environment of the earth could be divided into large units having a distinctive vegetation, such as fores
A tissue is a group of similar cells (together with associated cell products) specialized for the performance of a common function.
Alkaloids are classified according to the amino acid that provides both the nitrogen atom and the fundamental portion of the alkaloid skeleton, and these are discussed in turn.
Microorganisms isolated from different sources (soil, water and air) or genetic manipulation are cultured on growth media.
The most important areas of today's research which have potential economic value and prospects of commercialization are the cell and tissue culture based production of vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, pharmaceutical drugs, cancer research, genetic manipul
Germplasm theory of Weismann was a very significant advancement in our understanding of heredity, since this was for the first time that a distinction between hereditary and environmental variations could be made on a sound basis.
Most insects? tough exoskeletons protect their bodies from predators and from drying out. however, some insects?including young insects, such as caterpillars - have soft bodies. they benefit by adding an extra layer of protective armor.
A bacteriophage is a virus that infects bacteria. Like all viruses, phages are obligate intracellular parasites, devoid of protein synthesizing machinery and energy conversion systems.
Three different prokaryotic DNA polymerases are known, of which DNA polymerases I and II are meant for DNA repair and DNA polymerase IN is meant for actual DNA replication
Column chromatography is one of many forms of chromatography. Others include paper, thin-layer, gas, and HPLC. Most forms of chromatography use a 2-phase system to separate substances on the basis of some physical-chemical property.
A tree is a perennial woody plant. It is most often defined as a woody plant that has many secondary branches supported clear of the ground on a single main stem or trunk with clear apical dominance.
To protect food quality and safety, antioxidants are often added to processed foods. These antioxidants can be synthetically derived compounds, such as butylated hydroxytoluene and ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid.
Mutations are heritable changes in the genetic material that give rise to alternative forms of any gene. These alternate forms are called alleles. There are two broad types of mutations, those that affect the gene and those that affect whole chromosomes (
In vertebrates, the actual tissue from which gonads arise appears in early development as a pair of genital ridges, growing into the coelom from the dorsal coelomic lining on each side of the hind-gut near the anterior end of the kidney (mesonephros).
The biosphere as usually defined is the thin outer layer of the earth capable of supporting life. It is probably best viewed as a global system that includes all life on earth and the physical environments in which living organisms exist and interact.
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