To protect food quality and safety, antioxidants are often added to processed foods. These antioxidants can be synthetically derived compounds, such as butylated hydroxytoluene and ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid.
Horticulture may be described as the practice of growing plants in a relatively intensive manner. This contrasts with agriculture, which, in most Western European countries, relies on a high level of machinery use over an extensive area of land
Discovery of the essentiality of nitrogen is often credited to de Saussure (1-3), who in 1804 recognized that nitrogen was a vital constituent of plants, and that nitrogen was obtained mainly from the soil.
The flower has acquired an unique position in our lives. Floriculture deals with growing or cultivation (large scale) of beautiful flowering plants.
In vertebrates, the actual tissue from which gonads arise appears in early development as a pair of genital ridges, growing into the coelom from the dorsal coelomic lining on each side of the hind-gut near the anterior end of the kidney (mesonephros).
The Chloroflexi (Chlorobacteria) are a class of bacteria that produce energy through photosynthesis. They make up the bulk of the filamentous anoxygenic phototrophs
Ameboid movement is a form of movement especially characteristic of amebas and other unicellular forms; it is also found in many wandering cells of metazoans, such as white blood cells, embryonic mesenchyme, and numerous other mobile cells that move throu
Microorganisms isolated from different sources (soil, water and air) or genetic manipulation are cultured on growth media.
Packed inside an insect no bigger than a jellybean is a venom strong enough to cause intense pain in humans - and occasionally death, in people who are allergic to it.
The area of developmental genetics has also received major attention of geneticists in recent years to answer questions like the following. What are the relative roles of nucleus and cytoplasm in differentiation?
A tree is a perennial woody plant. It is most often defined as a woody plant that has many secondary branches supported clear of the ground on a single main stem or trunk with clear apical dominance.
The biosphere as usually defined is the thin outer layer of the earth capable of supporting life. It is probably best viewed as a global system that includes all life on earth and the physical environments in which living organisms exist and interact.
An amalgamation of the term biological energetics, is the branch of biology and biochemistry that is concerned with how organisms extract energy from their environment and with how energy is used to fuel the myriad of life?s endergonic processes.
A biome is a major biotic unit bearing a characteristic and easily recognized array of plant life. Botanists long ago recognized that the terrestrial environment of the earth could be divided into large units having a distinctive vegetation, such as fores
Structural bioinformatics is concerned with computational approaches to predict and analyse the spatial structure of proteins and nucleic acids.
The most important areas of today's research which have potential economic value and prospects of commercialization are the cell and tissue culture based production of vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, pharmaceutical drugs, cancer research, genetic manipul
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