Lambertian Surfaces

Therefore, even if the luminous intensity decreases with a factor cos(θ) from the normal, the projected surface decreases with the same factor; as a consequence, the radiance (luminance) of a Lambertian surface is the same regardless of the viewing angle and is given by:

It is worthwhile to note that in a Lambertian surface the ratio between the radiant exitance and the radiance is π and not 2π:

and from Lambert’s cosine law [Equation (5.22)], we have:

which simply says that the irradiance (radiant flux density) of any point P on the inside surface of S is a constant.
This is interesting. From the definition of irradiance [Equation (5.9)], we know that Φ = E * A for constant flux density across a finite surface area A. As the area A of the surface of a sphere with radius r is given by:

we have:

This explains, clearly and without resorting to integral calculus, where the factor of p comes from.