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A mass of sea stars (Pisaster ochraceus) above the waterline at low tide. |
The distinguished American zoologist Libbie Hyman once described echinoderms as a “noble group especially designed to puzzle the zoologist.” With a combination of characteristics that should delight the most avid reader of science fiction, the echinoderms would seem to confirm Lord Byron’s observation that
Tis strange—but true;
for truth is always strange;
Stranger than fiction.
A compartment of the coelom has been transformed in echinoderms into a unique water-vascular system that uses hydraulic power to operate a multitude of tiny tube feet used in food gathering and locomotion. Dermal ossicles may fuse together to invest the echinoderm in armor or may be reduced to microscopic bodies. Many echinoderms have miniature jawlike pincers (pedicellariae) scattered on their body surface, often stalked and sometimes equipped with poison glands.
This constellation of characteristics is unique in the animal kingdom. It has both defined and limited the evolutionary potential of the echinoderms. Despite the vast amount of research that has been devoted to them, we are still far from understanding many aspects of echinoderm biology.
Position in Animal Kingdom
- Phylum Echinodermata (e-ki´noder ´ma-ta) (Gr. echinos, sea urchin, hedgehog, + derma, skin, + ata, characterized by) belongs to the Deuterostomia branch of the animal kingdom, the members of which are enterocoelous coelomates. The other phyla traditionally assigned to this group are Chaetognatha, Hemichordata, and Chordata.
- Primitively, deuterostomes have the following embryological features in common: anus developing from or near the blastopore, and mouth developing elsewhere; coelom budded off from the archenteron (enterocoel); radial and regulative (indeterminate) cleavage; and endomesoderm (mesoderm derived from or with the endoderm) from enterocoelic pouches.
- Thus echinoderms, chordates, and hemichordates are presumably derived from a common ancestor. Nevertheless, their evolutionary history has taken the echinoderms to the point where they are very much unlike any other animal group.
Biological Contributions
- There is one word that best describes
echinoderms: strange. They have a unique constellation of characteristics
found in no other phylum. Among the
more striking features shown by
echinoderms are as follows:
- A system of channels composing the water-vascular system, derived from a coelomic compartment.
- A dermal endoskeleton composed of calcareous ossicles.
- A hemal system, whose function remains mysterious, also enclosed in a coelomic compartment.
- Their metamorphosis, which changes a bilateral larva to a radial adult.
Echinoderms are marine forms and include sea stars (also called starfishes), brittle stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and sea lilies. They represent a bizarre group sharply distinguished from all other animals. Their name is derived from their external spines or protuberances. A calcareous endoskeleton is found in all members of the phylum, either in the form of plates or represented by scattered tiny ossicles.
The most noticeable characteristics of echinoderms are (1) spiny endoskeleton of plates, (2) water-vascular system, (3) pedicellariae, (4) dermal branchiae, and (5) radial or biradial symmetry. No other group with such complex organ systems has radial symmetry.
Echinoderms are an ancient group of animals extending back to the Cambrian period. Despite the excellent fossil record, the origin and early evolution of echinoderms are still obscure. It seems clear that they descend from bilateral ancestors because their larvae are bilateral but become radially symmetrical later in development. Many zoologists believe that early echinoderms were sessile and evolved radiality as an adaptation to sessile existence. Bilaterality is of adaptive value to animals that travel through their environment, while radiality is of value to animals whose environment meets them on all sides equally. Hence, the body plan of present-day echinoderms seems to have been derived from one that was attached to the bottom by a stalk, had radial symmetry and radiating grooves (ambulacra) for food gathering, and had an upward-facing oral side. Attached forms were once plentiful, but only about 80 species, all in class Crinoidea, still survive. Oddly, conditions have favored survival of their free-moving descendants, although they are still quite radial, and among them are some of the most abundant marine animals. Nevertheless, in the exception that proves the rule (that bilaterality is adaptive for free-moving animals), at least three groups of echinoderms (sea cucumbers and two groups of sea urchins) have evolved back toward bilaterality.
Echinoderms have no ability to osmoregulate and thus rarely venture into brackish waters. They occur in all oceans of the world and at all depths, from intertidal to abyssal regions. Often the most common animals in the deep ocean are echinoderms. The most abundant species found in the Philippine Trench (10,540 m) was a sea cucumber. Echinoderms are virtually all bottom dwellers, although there are a few pelagic species.
No parasitic echinoderms are known, but a few are commensals. On the other hand, a wide variety of other animals make their homes in or on echinoderms, including parasitic or commensal algae, protozoa, ctenophores, turbellarians, cirripedes, copepods, decapods, snails, clams, polychaetes, fish, and other echinoderms.
Asteroids, or sea stars (Figure 23-1), are commonly found on hard, rocky surfaces, but numerous species are at home on sandy or soft bottoms. Some species are particle feeders, but many are predators, feeding particularly on sedentary or sessile prey, since sea stars themselves are relatively slow moving.
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Figure 23-1 Some sea stars (class Asteroidea) from the Pacific. A, Cushion star Pteraster tesselatus can secrete incredible quantities of mucus as a defense. B, Choriaster granulatus scavenges dead animals on shallow Pacific reefs. C, Tosia queenslandensis from the Great Barrier Reef browses encrusting organisms. D, Crossaster papposus, rose star, feeds on other sea stars. |
Ophiuroids—brittle stars, or serpent stars (see Figure 23-11)—are by far the most active echinoderms, moving by their arms rather than by tube feet. A few species are reported to have swimming ability, and some burrow. They may be scavengers, browsers, or deposit or filter feeders. Some are commensal in large sponges, in whose water canals they may live in great numbers.
Holothurians, or sea cucumbers (see Figure 23-21), are widely prevalent in all seas. Many are found on sandy or mucky bottoms, where they lie concealed. Compared with other echinoderms, holothurians are greatly extended in the oral-aboral axis. They are oriented with that axis more or less parallel to the substrate and lying on one side. Most are suspension or deposit feeders.
Echinoids, or sea urchins (see Figure 23-16), are adapted for living on the ocean bottom and always keep their oral surface in contact with the substratum. “Regular” sea urchins prefer hard bottoms, but sand dollars and heart urchins (“irregular” urchins) are usually found on sand. Regular urchins, which are radially symmetrical, feed chiefly on algae or detritus, while irregulars, which are secondarily bilateral, feed on small particles.
Crinoids (see Figure 23-26) stretch their arms out and up like a flower’s petals and feed on plankton and suspended particles. Most living species become detached from their stems as adults, but they nevertheless spend most of their time on the substrate, holding on by means of aboral appendages called cirri.
The zoologist who admires the fascinating structure and function of echinoderms can share with the layperson an admiration of the beauty of their symmetry, often enhanced by bright colors. Many species are rather drab, but others may be orange, red, purple, blue, and often multicolored.
Because of the spiny nature of their structure, echinoderms are not often prey of other animals—except other echinoderms (sea stars). Some fishes have strong teeth and other adaptations that enable them to feed on echinoderms. A few mammals, such as sea otters, feed on sea urchins. In scattered parts of the world, humans relish sea urchin gonads, either raw or roasted on the half shell. Trepang, the cooked, protein-rich body wall of certain large sea cucumbers, is a delicacy in many east Asian countries. Unfortunately, the intense, often illegal, fishery for sea cucumbers has severely depleted their populations in many areas of the tropical world.
Sea stars feed on a variety of molluscs, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. In some areas they may perform an important ecological role as a top carnivore in the habitat. Their chief economic impact is on clams and oysters. A single starfish may eat as many as a dozen oysters or clams in a day. To rid shellfish beds of these pests, quicklime is sometimes spread over areas where they abound. Quicklime damages the delicate epidermal membrane, destroying the dermal branchiae and ultimately the animal itself. Unfortunately, other soft-bodied invertebrates are also damaged. However, the oysters remain with their shells tightly closed until the quicklime is degraded.
Echinoderms have been widely used in developmental studies, for their gametes are usually abundant and easy to collect and handle in the laboratory. Investigators can follow embryonic developmental stages with great accuracy. We know more about the molecular biology of sea urchin development than that of almost any other embryonic system. Artificial parthenogenesis was first discovered in sea urchin eggs, when it was found that, by treating eggs with hypertonic seawater or subjecting them to a variety of other stimuli, development would proceed without sperm.
Characteristics of Phylum Echinodermata
- Body unsegmented (nonmetameric) with radial, pentamerous symmetry; body rounded, cylindrical, or star shaped, with five or more radiating areas, or ambulacra, alternating with interambulacral areas
- No head or brain; few specialized sensory organs; sensory system of tactile and chemoreceptors, podia, terminal tentacles, photoreceptors, and statocysts
- Nervous system with circumoral ring and radial nerves; usually two or three systems of networks located at different levels in the body, varying in degree of development according to group
- Endoskeleton of dermal calcareous ossicles with spines or of calcareous spicules in dermis; covered by an epidermis (ciliated in most); pedicellariae (in some)
- A unique water-vascular system of coelomic origin that extends from the body surface as a series of tentacle-like projections (podia, or tube feet) that are protracted by increase of fluid pressure within them; an opening to the exterior (madre-porite or hydropore) usually present
- Locomotion by tube feet, which project from the ambulacral areas, by movement of spines, or by movement of arms, which project from central disc of body
- Digestive system usually complete; axial or coiled; anus absent in ophiuroids
- Coelom extensive, forming the perivisceral cavity and the cavity of the water-vascular system; coelom of enterocoelous type; coelomic fluid with amebocytes
- Blood-vascular system (hemal system) much reduced, playing little if any role in circulation, and surrounded by extensions of coelom (perihemal sinuses); main circulation of body fluids (coelomic fluids) by peritoneal cilia
- Respiration by dermal branchiae, tube feet, respiratory tree (holothuroids), and bursae (ophiuroids)
- Excretory organs absent
- Sexes separate (except a few hermaphroditic) with large gonads, single in holothuroids but multiple in most; simple ducts, with no elaborate copulatory apparatus or secondary sexual structures; fertilization usually external; eggs brooded in some
- Development through free swimming, bilateral, larval stages (some with direct development); metamorphosis to radial adult or subadult form; radial cleavage and regulative development
- Autotomy and regeneration of lost parts conspicuous