
Selected References
American Society of Zoologists. 1977. Biology of lophophorates. Am. Zool. 17(1):3–150. A collection of 13 papers.

Conway Morris, S., B. L. Cohen, A. B. Gawthrop, T. Cavalier-Smith. 1996. Lophophorate phylogeny. Science 272:282–283. These authors urged caution in acceptance of the taxon Lophotrochozoa proposed by Halanych et al. (1995).

Halanych, K. M., J. D. Bacheller, A. M. A. Aguinaldo, S. M. Liva, D. M. Hillis, J. A. Lake. 1995. Evidence from 18S ribosomal DNA that lophophorates are protostome animals. Science 267:1641–1643. Despite much morphological and developmental evidence that lophophorates are basal deuterostomes, they clustered with annelids and molluscs in this analysis. The authors proposed Lophotrochozoa, defined as the last common ancestor of lophophorate taxa, annelids, and molluscs, and all descendants of that ancestor.

Leffler, M. 1988. TBT on its way out. Oceans 21:56–57 (Sept.–Oct.). News of the highly toxic, antifouling agent, tributyl tin.

Richardson, J. R. 1986. Brachiopods. Sci. Am. 255:100–106. (Sept.). Reviews brachiopod biology and adaptations and contends that in the next few million years there may be an increase in the number of species, rather than a decline.

Woollacott, R. M., and R. C. Zimmer (eds). 1977. Biology of bryozoans. New York, Academic Press, Inc. Contains 15 articles on ectoprocts. Advanced.

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