Amino acids are essential constituents of all cells. In addition to their role in
protein synthesis, they participate in both primary and secondary metabolic
processes associated with plant development and in responses to stress. For
example, glutamine, glutamate, aspartate, and asparagine serve as pools and
transport forms of nitrogen, as well as in balancing the carbon/nitrogen ratio.
Other amino acids such as tryptophan, methionine, proline, and arginine contribute
to the tolerance of plants against biotic and abiotic stresses either directly or
indirectly by serving as precursors to secondary products and hormones. Apart
from their biological roles in plant growth, some amino acids, termed ‘‘essential
amino acids,’’ are also important for the nutritional quality of plants as foods and
feeds. This is because humans, as well as most livestock, cannot synthesize all
amino acids and therefore depend on their diets for obtaining them. Among the
essential amino acids, lysine, methionine, threonine, and tryptophan are considered
especially important because they are generally present in low or extremely
low amounts in the major plant foods.
Studies on amino acid metabolism in plants have always benefited from the
more advanced understanding of amino acid metabolismin microorganisms. Combined
genetic, biochemical, molecular, and more recently genomics approaches,
coupled with administration and metabolism of various precursors as major
donors of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur, have provided detailed identification of
flux controls of amino acid metabolism in microorganisms (Stephanopoulos, 1999).
These studies also clearly illustrated that amino acid metabolismin microorganisms
is regulated by complex networks ofmetabolic fluxes,which are affected bymultiple
factors. Although the regulation of amino acid metabolism in higher plants may be
analogous to that in microorganisms, the multicellular and multiorgan nature of
higher plants presents additional levels of complexity that render metabolic fluxes
and regulatory metabolic networks in plants much more sophisticated than in
microorganisms. Plant seeds and fruits, most important organs as food sources, or
as a source for the production of specific compounds like oils and carbohydrates,
represent an exciting example to illustrate the higher complexity of metabolic
regulation in plants compared to microorganisms. Seed metabolism is regulated
not only by internal metabolic fluxes but also by the availability of precursor
metabolites that depend in turn on metabolic process operating in vegetative tissues
and on the efficiency of transport of these metabolites from the source to developing
seeds. Thus, the regulation of seed metabolism in plants may be significantly
different, responding to different signals than vegetative metabolism.
Due to space limitation, it is impossible to discuss in detail all aspects of amino
acid metabolism in this chapter. We will therefore focus on relatively recent
studies employing molecular/biochemical approaches, as well as tailor-made
genetic engineering, metabolic engineering, and gene knockout approaches to
study the regulation of amino acid metabolism in plants. Most recent studies
employing these approaches have focused on the metabolism of glutamine, glutamate,
aspartate, and asparagine, as well as on the essential amino acids lysine,
threonine, and methionine. Hence, this chapter will focus mainly on these amino
acids. We make the case that the regulatory principles that emerged from studies
of these amino acids will also be valid for explaining the metabolism of other
amino acids. For discussion of the metabolism of other amino acids, readers are
directed to the recent book edited by B. J. Singh (1999) and several reviews
(Coruzzi and Last, 2000; Morot-Gaudry
et al., 2001). Since improved understanding
of plant amino acid metabolism enjoys significant biotechnological importance,
we will also address this aspect focusing on metabolic engineering of
the essential amino acids, lysine and methionine, for feeding ruminant and
nonruminant animals. We then discuss future goals in studying plant amino
acid metabolism.