The use of molecular genetics to improve food properties
Many of the initial studies in plant biotechnology were focused on developing
new plant varieties with better yield rather than changing the properties of the
plant-derived fruits. Thus, genes conferring resistance to several biotic and
abiotic stresses were incorporated in cultivated plants. As a consequence, since
1995 a number of crops with improved agronomic traits have been available for
farmers in some parts of the world. Biotechnology has also the ability to create
new varieties focused on product quality and output traits rather than agronomic
traits. Fruit commercialisation of a genetically engineered canola plant with
modified oil content occurred in 1996 (Yuang and Knauf, 1997). It was a
milestone in the long path followed by many research groups towards genetically
modified plants with improved properties for human consumption. This has been
partially the result of combating the attitudes of consumers to genetically
modified foods. These aspects constitute the topics reviewed in the present
section. In addition, it has recently become clear that the use of transgenic plants
as living reactors constitutes an advantage for the inexpensive production of
some proteins and metabolites that are economically important. This new trend in
the application of plant biotechnology is also reviewed in this section.