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Varanus Telenestes

Sprackland 1991
Rossel Island monitor.

Brandenberg (1983) noted that the populations of emerald monitors (Varanus prasinus) on some islands off western New Guinea did not differ markedly from those on the mainland. However the isolated population on Rossel Island at the eastern tip of the Louisiade Archipelago were considered a new species by Sprackland (1990) and named Varanus telenesetes. It has a mottled rather than unpatterned underside and the enlarged scales on the soles of the feet are light rather than dark . Only a single specimen is known which measures 21.7cm SVL, 42.5cm TL. Nothing is known of its way of life.

Attribution / Courtesy: Daniel Bennett. 1995. A Little Book of Monitor Lizards. Viper Press U.K.