Molecular Biology of Plant Pathways / Genetic Engineering for Salinity Stress Tolerance
How to Analyze Transgenic Lines Resulting from (Salinity) Stress Engineering
Apart from satisfying scientific curiosity, what is the value that can be associated
with knowledge about plant reactions, leading to tolerance or sensitivity, to high
salinity? The major incentive is the agronomical value that crops might acquire if
they could be made tolerant to high salinity because most crops are glycophytes, whose metabolism and growth are affected at low concentrations of sodium,
well below 100 mM that would not pose problems for halophytes, in the soil.
It seems possible to engineer tolerance at this level and at even higher NaCl
concentrations, yet productivity might well be compromised (Apse
et al., 1999;
et al., 1999; Mckersie
et al., 1996; Romero
et al., 1997; Roxas
et al., 1997;
et al., 1993; Van Camp
et al., 1996; Zhifang and Loescher, 2003).
Providing additional credibility to claims of engineered tolerance to a particular
stress condition, it seems appropriate to establish rules about the experimental
design of abiotic stress engineering, and how the results should be reported. The
text box added below includes a suggestion for such rules. They were established
by the attendees of a conference on salinity stress responses in plants in
2001. These recommendations (compiled by A. D. Hanson, University of Florida)
describe what the participants considered essential and sufficient experimental
process for the analysis and description of the effect of single transgenes on
engineering or altering complex genetic and physiological traits, such as tolerance
to salinity stress, drought, low temperature, or freezing (Serrano and
Rodriguez-Navarro, 2002).