Genetic Equilibrium
Genetic Equilibrium
In many human populations, genetically recessive traits, including the O blood type, blond hair, and blue eyes, are very common. Why have not the genetically dominant alternatives gradually supplanted these recessive traits? It is a common misconception that a characteristic associated with a dominant allele increases in frequency because of its genetic dominance. This misconception is refuted by a principle called Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which forms the foundation for population genetics. According to this theorem, the hereditary process alone does not produce evolutionary change. In large biparental populations, allelic frequencies and genotypic ratios attain an equilibrium in one generation and remain constant thereafter unless disturbed by recurring mutations, natural selection, migration, nonrandom mating, or genetic drift (random sorting). Such disturbances are the sources of microevolutionary change.
A rare allele, according to this principle, does not disappear from a large population merely because it is rare. Certain rare traits, such as albinism and cystic fibrosis, persist for endless generations. For example, albinism in humans is caused by a rare recessive allele a. Only one person in 20,000 is an albino, and this individual must be homozygous (a/a) for the recessive allele. Obviously the population contains many carriers, people with normal pigmentation who are heterozygous (A/a) for albinism. What is their frequency? A convenient way to calculate the frequencies of genotypes in a population is with the binomial expansion of (p + q)2. We will let p represent the allelic frequency of A and q the allelic frequency of a. Assuming that mating is random (a questionable assumption, but one that we will accept for our example), the distribution of genotypic frequencies is p2 = A/A, 2pq = A/a, and q2 = a/a. Only the frequency of genotype a/a is known with certainty, 1/20,000; therefore:

The frequency of carriers is as follows:

One person in every 70 is a carrier! Although a recessive trait may be rare, it is amazing how common a recessive allele may be in a population. There is a message here for anyone proposing to eliminate a “bad” recessive allele from a population by controlling reproduction. It is practically impossible. Because only the homozygous recessive individuals reveal the phenotype against which artificial selection could act (by sterilization, for example), the allele would persist through heterozygous carriers. For a recessive allele present in 2 of every 100 persons (but homozygous in only 1 in 10,000 persons), it would require 50 generations of complete selection against the homozygotes just to reduce its frequency to one in 100 persons.
How Genetic Equilibrium Is Upset
Genetic equilibrium is disturbed in natural populations by (1) random genetic drift, (2) nonrandom mating, (3) recurring mutation, (4) migration, (5) natural selection, and interactions among these factors. Recurring mutation is the ultimate source of variability in all populations, but it usually requires interaction with one or more of the other factors to upset genetic equilibrium. We will look at these other factors individually.
In many human populations, genetically recessive traits, including the O blood type, blond hair, and blue eyes, are very common. Why have not the genetically dominant alternatives gradually supplanted these recessive traits? It is a common misconception that a characteristic associated with a dominant allele increases in frequency because of its genetic dominance. This misconception is refuted by a principle called Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which forms the foundation for population genetics. According to this theorem, the hereditary process alone does not produce evolutionary change. In large biparental populations, allelic frequencies and genotypic ratios attain an equilibrium in one generation and remain constant thereafter unless disturbed by recurring mutations, natural selection, migration, nonrandom mating, or genetic drift (random sorting). Such disturbances are the sources of microevolutionary change.
A rare allele, according to this principle, does not disappear from a large population merely because it is rare. Certain rare traits, such as albinism and cystic fibrosis, persist for endless generations. For example, albinism in humans is caused by a rare recessive allele a. Only one person in 20,000 is an albino, and this individual must be homozygous (a/a) for the recessive allele. Obviously the population contains many carriers, people with normal pigmentation who are heterozygous (A/a) for albinism. What is their frequency? A convenient way to calculate the frequencies of genotypes in a population is with the binomial expansion of (p + q)2. We will let p represent the allelic frequency of A and q the allelic frequency of a. Assuming that mating is random (a questionable assumption, but one that we will accept for our example), the distribution of genotypic frequencies is p2 = A/A, 2pq = A/a, and q2 = a/a. Only the frequency of genotype a/a is known with certainty, 1/20,000; therefore:

The frequency of carriers is as follows:

One person in every 70 is a carrier! Although a recessive trait may be rare, it is amazing how common a recessive allele may be in a population. There is a message here for anyone proposing to eliminate a “bad” recessive allele from a population by controlling reproduction. It is practically impossible. Because only the homozygous recessive individuals reveal the phenotype against which artificial selection could act (by sterilization, for example), the allele would persist through heterozygous carriers. For a recessive allele present in 2 of every 100 persons (but homozygous in only 1 in 10,000 persons), it would require 50 generations of complete selection against the homozygotes just to reduce its frequency to one in 100 persons.
How Genetic Equilibrium Is Upset
Genetic equilibrium is disturbed in natural populations by (1) random genetic drift, (2) nonrandom mating, (3) recurring mutation, (4) migration, (5) natural selection, and interactions among these factors. Recurring mutation is the ultimate source of variability in all populations, but it usually requires interaction with one or more of the other factors to upset genetic equilibrium. We will look at these other factors individually.