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Efficiency of Oxidative Phosphorylation

Efficiency of Oxidative Phosphorylation
We are now in a position to calculate the ATP yield from the complete oxidation of glucose (Figure 4-15). The overall reaction is:

Calculation of Total ATP Molecules Generated in Respiration
ATP has been generated at several points along the way (Table 4-1). The cytoplasmic NADH generated in glycolysis requires a molecule of ATP to fuel transport of each molecule of NADH into a mitochondrion; therefore each NADH from glycolysis results in only two ATP (total of four), compared with the three ATP per NADH (total of six) formed within mitochondria. Accounting for the two ATP used in the priming reactions in glycolysis, the net yield may be as high as 36 molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose. (The yield of 36 ATP is a theoretical maximum because some of the H+ gradient produced by electron transport may be used for other functions, such as transporting substances in and out of the mitochondrion.) Overall efficiency of aerobic oxidation of glucose is about 38%, comparing very favorably with human-designed energy conversion systems, which seldom exceed 5% to 10% efficiency.

Pathway for oxidation of glucose and other carbohydrates. Glucose is degraded to pyruvic acid by cytoplasmic enzymes (glycolytic pathway). Acetyl coenzyme A is formed from pyruvic acid and is fed into the Krebs cycle. An acetyl group (two carbons) is oxidized to two molecules of carbon dioxide with each turn of the cycle. Pairs of electrons are removed from the carbon skeleton of the substrate at several points in the pathway and are carried by oxidizing agents NADH or FADH2 to the electron transport chain where 32 molecules of ATP are generated. Four molecules of ATP are also generated by substrate phosphorylation in the glycolytic pathway, and two molecules of ATP (initially GTP) are formed in the Krebs cycle. This yields a total of 38 molecules of ATP (36 molecules net) per glucose molecule. Molecular oxygen is involved only at the very end of the pathway.
Figure 4-15 Pathway for oxidation of glucose and other carbohydrates. Glucose is degraded to pyruvic acid by cytoplasmic enzymes (glycolytic pathway). Acetyl coenzyme A is formed from pyruvic acid and is fed into the Krebs cycle. An acetyl group (two carbons) is oxidized to two molecules of carbon dioxide with each turn of the cycle. Pairs of electrons are removed from the carbon skeleton of the substrate at several points in the pathway and are carried by oxidizing agents NADH or FADH2 to the electron transport chain where 32 molecules of ATP are generated. Four molecules of ATP are also generated by substrate phosphorylation in the glycolytic pathway, and two molecules of ATP (initially GTP) are formed in the Krebs cycle. This yields a total of 38 molecules of ATP (36 molecules net) per glucose molecule. Molecular oxygen is involved only at the very end of the pathway.