Metabolism of Lipids
of Lipids
The first step in the breakdown of a
triglyceride is its hydrolysis to glycerol
and three fatty acid molecules (Figure
4-17). Glycerol is phosphorylated
and enters the glycolytic pathway.
The remainder of the triglyceride molecule consists of fatty acids. One of the abundant naturally occurring fatty acids is stearic acid.

The long hydrocarbon chain of a fatty acid is sliced up by oxidation, two carbons at a time; these are released from the end of the molecule as acetyl coenzyme A. Although two highenergy phosphate bonds are required to prime each 2-carbon fragment, energy is derived both from the reduction of NAD and FAD in the oxidations and from the acetyl group as it is degraded in the Krebs cycle. It can be calculated that the complete oxidation of one molecule of 18-carbon stearic acid will net 146 ATP molecules. By comparison, three molecules of glucose (also totaling 18 carbons) yield 108 ATP molecules. Since there are three fatty acids in each triglyceride molecule, a total of 440 ATP molecules are formed. An additional 22 molecules of ATP are generated in the breakdown of glycerol, giving a grand total of 462 molecules of ATP. Little wonder that fat is considered the king of animal fuels! Fats are more concentrated fuels than carbohydrates, because fats are almost pure hydrocarbons; they contain more hydrogen per carbon atom than sugars do, and it is the energized electrons of hydrogen that generate high-energy bonds, when they are carried through the mitochondrial electron transport chain.
Fat stores are derived principally from surplus fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Acetyl coenzyme A is the source of carbon atoms used to build fatty acids. Since all major classes of organic molecules (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) can be degraded to acetyl coenzyme A, all can be converted into stored fat. The biosynthetic pathway for fatty acids resembles a reversal of the catabolic pathway already described, but it requires an entirely different set of enzymes. From acetyl coenzyme A, the fatty acid chain is assembled two carbons at a time. Because fatty acids release energy when they are oxidized, they obviously require an input of energy for their synthesis. This is provided principally by electron energy from glucose degradation. Thus the total ATP derived from oxidation of a molecule of triglyceride is not as great as calculated, because varying amounts of energy are required for synthesis and storage.
Stored fats are the greatest reserve fuel in the body. Most of the usable fat resides in adipose tissue that is composed of specialized cells packed with globules of triglycerides. Adipose tissue is widely distributed in the abdominal cavity, in muscles, around deep blood vessels, and especially under the skin. Women average about 30% more fat than men, which is largely responsible for differences in shape between males and females. Humans can only too easily deposit large quantities of fat, generating personal unhappiness and hazards to health.
The physiological and psychological aspects of obesity are now being investigated by many researchers.There is increasing evidence that body fat deposition is regulated by a feeding control center located in the lateral and ventral regions of the hypothalamus, an area in the floor of the forebrain.The set point of this regulator determines the normal weight for the individual, which may be rather persistently maintained above or below what is considered normal for the human population. Evidence is accumulating that there is a genetic component in obesity.Thus obesity is not always caused by overindulgence and lack of self-control, despite popular notions to the contrary.
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Figure 4-17 Hydrolysis of a triglyceride (neutral fat) by intracellular lipase. The R groups of each fatty acid represent a hydrocarbon chain. |
The remainder of the triglyceride molecule consists of fatty acids. One of the abundant naturally occurring fatty acids is stearic acid.

The long hydrocarbon chain of a fatty acid is sliced up by oxidation, two carbons at a time; these are released from the end of the molecule as acetyl coenzyme A. Although two highenergy phosphate bonds are required to prime each 2-carbon fragment, energy is derived both from the reduction of NAD and FAD in the oxidations and from the acetyl group as it is degraded in the Krebs cycle. It can be calculated that the complete oxidation of one molecule of 18-carbon stearic acid will net 146 ATP molecules. By comparison, three molecules of glucose (also totaling 18 carbons) yield 108 ATP molecules. Since there are three fatty acids in each triglyceride molecule, a total of 440 ATP molecules are formed. An additional 22 molecules of ATP are generated in the breakdown of glycerol, giving a grand total of 462 molecules of ATP. Little wonder that fat is considered the king of animal fuels! Fats are more concentrated fuels than carbohydrates, because fats are almost pure hydrocarbons; they contain more hydrogen per carbon atom than sugars do, and it is the energized electrons of hydrogen that generate high-energy bonds, when they are carried through the mitochondrial electron transport chain.
Fat stores are derived principally from surplus fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Acetyl coenzyme A is the source of carbon atoms used to build fatty acids. Since all major classes of organic molecules (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) can be degraded to acetyl coenzyme A, all can be converted into stored fat. The biosynthetic pathway for fatty acids resembles a reversal of the catabolic pathway already described, but it requires an entirely different set of enzymes. From acetyl coenzyme A, the fatty acid chain is assembled two carbons at a time. Because fatty acids release energy when they are oxidized, they obviously require an input of energy for their synthesis. This is provided principally by electron energy from glucose degradation. Thus the total ATP derived from oxidation of a molecule of triglyceride is not as great as calculated, because varying amounts of energy are required for synthesis and storage.
Stored fats are the greatest reserve fuel in the body. Most of the usable fat resides in adipose tissue that is composed of specialized cells packed with globules of triglycerides. Adipose tissue is widely distributed in the abdominal cavity, in muscles, around deep blood vessels, and especially under the skin. Women average about 30% more fat than men, which is largely responsible for differences in shape between males and females. Humans can only too easily deposit large quantities of fat, generating personal unhappiness and hazards to health.
The physiological and psychological aspects of obesity are now being investigated by many researchers.There is increasing evidence that body fat deposition is regulated by a feeding control center located in the lateral and ventral regions of the hypothalamus, an area in the floor of the forebrain.The set point of this regulator determines the normal weight for the individual, which may be rather persistently maintained above or below what is considered normal for the human population. Evidence is accumulating that there is a genetic component in obesity.Thus obesity is not always caused by overindulgence and lack of self-control, despite popular notions to the contrary.