Chemistry Lab Protocols / Laboratory techniques
Simple distillation
The procedure for doing a simple distillation is described in Box 15.2 and
you should note the following points:
- Do not distil to dryness, i.e. no liquid remaining in the distillation flask,
since this causes overheating and charring (decomposition) of the residue.
Always leave 1 or 2 mL of liquid in the distillation flask.
- Initially, some liquid may distil while the temperature rises rapidly. This is
termed 'forerun', for example often a small amount of solvent from an
extraction process: collect and then, when the temperature
stabilizes, collect the desired compound in a clean receiving vessel.
- Towards the end of the distillation, the temperature may begin to rise
again: this will be the higher boiling impurity. Stop heating, quickly
remove the receiving flask containing your pure compound and collect
these last few drops, termed 'tailings', in a fresh receiving vessel.
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