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Electroanalytical techniques

Electrochemical methods are used to quantify a broad range of different molecules, including ions, gases, metabolites and drugs.

*Note: The basis of all electrochemical analysis is the transfer of electrons from one atom or molecule to another atom or molecule in an obligately coupled oxidation-reduction reaction la redox reaction).

It is convenient to separate such redox reactions into two half-reactions and, by convention, each is written as:

oxidized form + electron(s) (ne) reduction reduced form

You should note that the half-reaction is reversible: by applying suitable conditions, reduction or oxidation can take place. As an example, a simple redox reaction occurs when metallic zinc (Zn) is placed in a solution containing copper ions (Cu), as follows:

⇒ Equation [34.2] Cu2+ + Zn → Cu + Zn2+
The half-reactions are (i) Cu2+ + 2e → Cu and (ii) Zn2+ + 2e → Zn. The oxidizing power of (i) is greater than that of (ii), so in a coupled system, the latter half-reaction proceeds in the opposite direction to that shown above, i.e. as Zn − 2e → Zn2+. When Zn and Cu electrodes are placed in separate solutions containing their ions, and connected electrically (Fig. 34.1), electrons will flow from the Zn electrode to Cu2+ via the Cu electrode owing to the difference in oxidizing power of the two half-reactions.

By convention, the electrode potential of any half-reaction is expressed relative to that of a standard hydrogen electrode (half-reaction 2H+ + 2e → H2) and is called the standard electrode potential, E0. Table 34.1 shows the values of E0 for selected half-reactions. With any pair of half-reactions from this series, electrons will flow from that having the lowest electrode potential to that of the highest. E0 is determined at pH = 0. It is often more appropriate to express standard electrode potentials at pH 7 for biological systems, and the symbol E0' is used: in all circumstances, it is important that the pH is dearly stated.
A simple galvanic electrochemical cell. The KCI salt bridge allows migration of ions between the two compartments but prevents mixing of the two solutions.
Fig. 34.1 A simple galvanic electrochemical cell. The KCI salt bridge allows migration of ions between the two compartments but prevents mixing of the two solutions.
The arrangement shown in Fig. 34.1 represents a simple galvanic cell where two electrodes serve as the interfaces between a chemical system and an electrical system. For analytical purposes, the magnitude of the potential (voltage) or the current produced by an electrochemical cell is related to the concentration of a particular chemical species. Electrochemical methods offer the following advantages:
  • excellent detection limits, and wide operating range (10−1 to 10−8 mol L−1);
  • measurements may be made on very small volumes (µL) allowing small amounts (pmol) of sample to be measured in some cases;
  • miniature electrochemical sensors can be used for certain in vivo measurements, e.g. pH, glucose, oxygen content.

Standard electrode potentials* (E0) for selected half-reactions
Table 34.1 Standard electrode potentials* (E0) for selected half-reactions